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Candidate Interviewing for Fun and Profit

This paper describes a pilot project that utilized this process and provided lessons-learned for those who wish to use this process in the future. This paper does not discuss issues related to recruiting, phone interviews, final hiring decision and success criteria set by the human resources (HR) department.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Defining and Managing Project Focus

Most project managers want to reduce risk during a project. One way to reduce overall risk is to define and focus the project goals up front, and continually verify those goals and progress toward those goals during the project.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Internationalization and Localization Issues in Testing

This paper is focused on the great need for software testers to ensure the quality of software being prepared in different languages and locations. In a presentation and accompanying paper, Jeff Jewel discusses such issues as GUI differences, special character sets, formats and standards, multiple versions of software, and cultural aspects of testing.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Quality Quest Software Quality Articles

Here are articles originally published in Datamation Magazine. Titles include "To Win at Software Development, Change the Game," "Maximizing Customer Coverage," "Management-Friendly Test Data," "The Pain of Platform Possibilities," "The Problem with Problem Tracking," "How to Achieve Effective Test Automation," "Coder's Conundrum," "The Data Dilemma: Test, Don't Experiment," "Adopt a Winning Strategy," "Fractional People," "The Irrational Ratio," "Testability Standards for Automation," "Checkpoint Charlie: The Hand-Off from Development to Test," "Don't Take Anything for Granted in Component Development," "Time-Boxing Your Way to a Better Product," "The Confidence Game," "When to Automate," "The Big Lie," "Process or Perish," "The High Cost of Low Investment," "The Three Faces of Testing," "Forget about 'Quality,'" "Don't Let Your Business Process Regress," "Testing: No Easy Way Out," "Boost Your Test Team's Value," "The Truth about Automated Test Tools," "The Tyranny of the Schedule," and "The Year 2000 and the S&L Crisis."

Linda Hayes's picture Linda Hayes
Using a Web-Based Test Management Tool

Early in the world of the Web, Lockheed Martin Astronautics began using web technology to facilitate test procedure execution. The tool supports our integrated team of systems, hardware, software test, and quality assurance engineers.

Jon Hagar's picture Jon Hagar
Estimate Professional version 3.0: Product Review

Estimate Professional (from the Software Productivity Centre) is a software estimation model designed for the occasional user. Unfortunately, complex tools such as this one require more assistance for the user.

James Heires
GD Pro v3.1 product review

Applying the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is now easier, thanks to GD Pro 3.1. The visual modeling tool offered by Advanced Software Technologies supports software design, development, redesign, and maintenance for small and large teams alike.

James Heires
What Test Designers Want from Software Models

Testing is getting harder. To keep up with ever growing complexity of software and the testing task, new approaches to test development must be used. One of these approaches is automated test design based on precise models of software behavior and usage.

Today, commercial support in this area is weak. There is a current and growing need for a variety of commercial tools supporting automated design.

The purpose of this presentation is to provide insight into the information requirements for automated test design to (current and potential) vendors of software modeling tools. It is hoped that this information will catalyze a number of commercial development efforts.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Experiences Testing Safety-Critical Software

This paper presents experiences in testing critical software that supports flight systems developed by Lockheed Martin Astronautics in Denver, Colorado. This approach has not been proven in an academic sense, but has been demonstrated over the years to result in software that successfully performs missions. It is based on teams comprised of the correct skill balance in software and systems engineering, as well as using a defined process.

Jon Hagar's picture Jon Hagar
Using Software Engineering Automation Tools for Flight-Critical Software

Originally titled, "Lessons Learned from Incorporation of Commercial Computer-Aided Software Engineering Tools in a Flight-Critical Software Test," this article explores ways to use what were previously called commercial computer aided software engineering (CASE) tools for safety-critical software development.

Jon Hagar's picture Jon Hagar


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