

A Comprehensive Guide to Responsive Testing A Comprehensive Guide to Responsive Testing

Responsive testing ensures websites look and function well across devices by testing layout, functionality, and performance on various screen sizes and browsers. It's crucial for consistent user experience, navigation, image display, and website robustness. Testing methods include browser developer tools, real devices, usability testing, and performance testing. Common challenges include outdated browsers, device-specific behaviors, and network speeds. AI, Machine Learning, and Real User Monitoring are emerging trends in responsive testing.

Gilad David Maayan's picture Gilad David Maayan
Discover YAML Based Test Automation Framework with Maestro Discover YAML Based Test Automation Framework with Maestro

The Maestro Automation Framework stands out as a robust open-source tool, offering a plethora of features beneficial to software development teams. While it boasts of many strengths, it is essential for organizations to be aware of its limitations. By understanding these limitations and adhering to best practices, teams can harness Maestro's capabilities to its fullest, ensuring efficient testing processes and the delivery of top-tier software products.

Arvind Kumar Bhardwaj's picture Arvind Kumar Bhardwaj
Mobile App Taking Care of the User—Is Your Mobile App User-Friendly? All You Need to Know About Usability Testing

Business owners and developers must keep in mind that modern users can be very picky and demanding, and they must do their best to meet all their users' expectations. The best way to solve this issue is to perform usability testing regularly.

Oleh Sadykow's picture Oleh Sadykow
Person using a mobile app on their phone, photo by Erik Lucatero Evolve Your Mobile Usability Testing Methods

Today’s mobile behaviors and expectations have radically changed, a result of the continuous evolution of mobile technology and the myriad new ways users can now interact with mobile. Because of this advancement in technology and user behavior, testing organizations must also advance their mobile testing solutions to ensure they continue to deliver the most intuitive, up-to-date experience possible.

James Hoshor's picture James Hoshor

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