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Component Testing with Intelligent Test Artifacts

This article presents a set of design patterns commonly encountered when creating automated test frameworks and application domain specific test cases, and introduces the notion of test artifacts as a test component architectural model for implementing those patterns.

Michael Silverstein
Automating Software Testing: A Life-Cycle Methodology

Automated Testing Lifecycle Methodology (ATLM) is a structured approach that is geared toward ensuring successful implementation of automated testing. The ATLM approach mirrors the benefits of modern rapid application development efforts, where such efforts engage the user early in the development cycle. The end-user of the software product is actively involved throughout analysis, design, development and test of each software build, which is augmented in an incremental fashion.

Elfriede Dustin's picture Elfriede Dustin
The Automated Testing Life-Cycle Methodology (ATLM)

The Automated Testing Life-cycle methodology (ATLM) summarized in this article has been adopted by various companies throughout the world.

Elfriede Dustin's picture Elfriede Dustin
Juggling Can Improve Productivity

At the 2000 Amplifying Your Effectiveness (AYE) conference I attended a class called "Being a Change Leader." One of the instructors, Sheila Smith, selected five volunteers from the audience. She told these volunteers that for this role-playing demonstration they were now her employees and she was their manager. Their company had studied and researched ways to improve productivity, and had determined that they could obtain a 50 percent increase in productivity by learning to juggle. The company was now making it mandatory for all employees to learn how to juggle.

Todd Berbert
A Risk-Based Test Strategy

The development of a test strategy is a means of communication with the customer commissioning the test on such matters as the organization of testing and the strategic choices that go with it. The test strategy indicates how testing is to be carried out. In order to make the best possible use of resources and time, it is decided on which parts and aspects of the system the emphasis should fall. The test strategy forms an important basis for a structured approach to testing and makes a major contribution to a manageable test process.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Equilibrium in Managing Outsourced Testing

This paper details some of the lessons I learned in my first assignment managing outsourced testing. It explains how we can find equilibrium between managers and testers and between internal and external people, what we can do to ensure that the product maintains our high standard of quality, and how we can prepare for and respond when things go wrong.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
High Speed Testing Cycles

Testing has never been easy, but when it comes to large institutions, things can get terribly complex. Take large banks for example. For years they developed their own solutions, building applications and bringing in all kinds of hardware and software available, in order to provide their customers with better products and services. Most of the times buying decisions were taken on the go, following no architectural model or plan, which, unfortunately, led them to rely on modern Frankensteins (a.k.a. automated beasts ) to take care of their most valued asset: their customers.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
API Testing Method with Markov Models

This paper presents a technique to test APIs that combines aspects of two published software testing methods, namely Markov modeling and category partitioning. Markov modeling provides a basis for model based testing and establishes the context for generating API calls and call sequences within a single test case.

James Whittaker's picture James Whittaker
Mutating Automated Tests

Most automated tests are used as regression tests - doing the same exercises each time the test is run. This paper and talk describe a powerful type of automated test - one that does something different each time it runs.

Douglas Hoffman
Automated Testing of Embedded Software

There are no silver bullets for automating embedded system testing to guarantee success. Based on the specific type of embedded system, there are many different ways to succeed or potentially fail. This paper gives an overview of what needs to be done for automated embedded systems testing, the similarities between the GUI testing and the Embedded Systems, and a successful approach used for more than one application.

Jim Kandler


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