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Load/Performance Testing Excel Matrix (template)

This load and performance test template has fields for Virtual User Host Information and Test Run/Scenario Data.

mike racicot's picture mike racicot
Industry Usability Reporting

In October 1997, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) initiated an effort to increase the visibility of software usability. Cooperating in the IUSR project are prominent suppliers of software and representatives from large consumer organizations. The goals of the initiative are: 

  1. Encourage software suppliers and consumer organizations to work together to understand user needs and tasks.
  2. Develop a common usability reporting format for sharing usability data with consumer organizations.
  3. Conduct a pilot trial to determine how well the usability reporting format works and to determine the value of using this format in software procurement.

This site provides an overview of the project, who is involved and white papers on progress to date. Further, there is a common industry format template and guideline for conduction and reporting on usability assessments.

Paul Gerrard's picture Paul Gerrard
Values and Beliefs as Barriers to Team Consensus

When people on the project team disagree, it helps to be able to understand assumptions and to sort through the feelings and the facts that influence team dynamics and the decision-making process. In this article Peter Grazier provides useful insights for understanding these influences.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Risk Assessment (template)

This template is a generic risk assessment form. It can be adapted to meet your specific needs.

Mary Decker
"Blue Collar Formal Methods" in Commercial Quality Assurance

There are many areas in commercial QA where Formal Methods (FM) could make useful contributions, yet there has not been a lot of focus by the FM community on commercial QA in a "real-world" setting. This paper focuses on these methods.

Richard Denney
Test Architecture for Testing Distributed Systems

This paper suggests two test architectures for testing distributed, concurrent systems: a global tester that has total control over the distributed system under test (SUT) and, more interestingly, a distributed tester that comprises several concurrent tester components.

Peter Zimmerer's picture Peter Zimmerer
A State-Based Testing Approach Providing Data Flow Coverage in Object-Oriented Class Testing

The object-oriented class testing approach, proposed in this paper, combines functional with structural testing techniques. Based on state-based testing, test cases generated from the MACT (Method for Automatic Class Testing) tool can be used to execute functional testing.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
An Automated Testing Environment to Support Operational Profiles of Software Intensive Systems

This paper focuses on the successes and issues associated with developing a statistical testing environment for an industrial software project. The paper will also describe how both statistical testing based on software models and traditional testing based on unit and other functional tests can be combined into an effective approach to testing large software intensive systems.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Using Quality to Drive Project Lifecycles

This paper uses concrete examples to illustrate how to choose the quality priorities for a project. Once the priorities are set, it illustrates how to choose the appropriate project lifecycle.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Sample of a Software Testing Body of Knowledge

What follows is a list comprising a sample body of knowledge for software testing which strives to be inclusive of the many facets of this subject area.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor


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