Benefits and Risks of Tester Certification This is a presentation on the benefits and risks of a tester certification effort. |
The Rapid Deployment of a Defect Analysis Program This paper focuses on the defect analysis aspect of the process improvement task and describes how it was deployed quickly and economically. Note: You may get an error printing/downloading due to the size of this document. If this occurs, please right-click on the link and "save target as." |
An Earned Value Tracking System for Self-Directed Software Teams Several years ago, two process improvement initiatives combined to produce the ACSIS Earned Value Tracking System (EVTS): the development of SDWT's and the attempt to devise a more desciplined way to perform project planning and tracking. The two endeavors became mutually supportive. This presentation describes the ACSIS EVTS development, process, and results. |
E-ffective Testing for E-commerce Testing is crucial to e-commerce because e-commerce sites are both business critical and highly visible to their users; any failure can be immediately expensive in terms of lost revenue and even more expensive in the longer term if disaffected users seek alternative sites. Yet the time pressures in the e-commerce world militate against the thorough testing usually associated with business criticality, so a new approach is needed to enable testing to be integrated into the development process and to ensure that testing does not present a significant time burden. The very familiarity of much of the technology means that tried and true mechanisms will either be suitable or can be modified to fit. Rapid Applications Development (RAD), in particular, suggests some promising approaches. Like most new ventures, though, e-commerce must find its own way and establish its own methods. In this paper we have suggested some testing principles that have stood the test of time and interm |
Software Development Unit Testing (template) This Unit Testing template has been used for small to mid-sized, HTML-based Web sites. |
Planning for Project Surprises: Coping with Risk Whether or not you think your project is plagued with problems, you might need effective risk management to keep you out of trouble. Risk management is similar to performing preventive health care and buying insurance for your project. It involves indetifying potential problems (risks), analyzing those risks, planning to manage them, and reviewing them. |
10 Piece Toolbox to Influence Organizational Change Many organizations try to implement change. This includes everything from the introduction of a new planning tool or estimation method, to a company-wide process improvement program. Often these attempts fail due to a lack of skills to effect change. When new ideas are introduced they are either abandoned after a short time or adopted by only a few people. Whenever an organization wants to change there are some key principles that it must consider in order to be successful. This paper covers the principles that lead to change. |
Mary Sakry
October 29, 1999 |
Starting a Requirements Management Initiative This paper describes one of HP Division's experiences in starting an initiative that significantly changed the way in which its managers, engineers, and marketing specialists understand and implement product requirements management. The experiences detail how, by maturing our requirements management practices, our organization was able to address the following issues: 1) information redundancy and synchronization, 2) inconsistent documentation format and content, 3) inefficient requirements elicitation, communication, and review procedures, and 4) lack of customer focus. The paper also offers recommendations for those organizations that plan to start a similar initiative. Finally, it discusses plans to improve our requirements practices on future projects. |
How Testers Can Use a Software Reliability Engineering Maturity Model on Their Web Sites Software Reliability Engineering (SRE) is a practice that reduces risks of unreliability or unavailability of release product, missed schedules, and cost overruns by quantitively planning and guiding software development and test to meet user needs. |
John Musa
October 25, 1999 |
Tools of the Trade How to Automate a Software Repository This paper describes a case study of the Rockwell Collins approach to repository automation, specific examples of tools implemented, and benefits realized through automation. |
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