

Ensuring Reliable Cloud Applications: A Guide to Testing State Machines with Python Ensuring Reliable Cloud Applications: A Guide to Testing State Machines with Python

Testing state machines in cloud apps is vital for reliability, performance, and handling various conditions. Automated Python scripts mimic real-world use cases to expose issues, bugs, weaknesses, and timing problems. They also help optimize performance. The included asyncio and multiprocessing examples provide valuable insights into cloud app state machine behavior, empowering product teams to build stronger, more efficient apps.

Konstantin Sakhchinskiy's picture Konstantin Sakhchinskiy
telescope Agile Trends to Watch in 2018

With 2018 well underway, it seems like a good time to look ahead and think about what we hope to accomplish this year. Find out which agile trends these software experts are most looking forward to in the coming months.

Heather Shanholtzer's picture Heather Shanholtzer
Load Testing Cloud Load Testing and Sizing Considerations for the Cloud

When it comes to load testing in the cloud, going bigger is not always better. This article describes how organizations can utilize load testing to help right-size a production system being built in the cloud, allowing their project teams to build an ideal system that is not too small and under-performing for their needs and not too large and costly.

Don Prather's picture Don Prather
World for Software Testers A Dystopian World for Software Testers

You've entered the Twilight Zone. A robot that uses the cloud and massive amounts of big data can completely test software programs while detecting all bugs, rendering testers obsolete. But wait—the robot in this dystopian tale isn't utilizing special abilities only it can possess; these are methods any skilled tester should be employing right now.

Jon Hagar's picture Jon Hagar

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