Snaring Black Widows in Ladybug Clothing The mood in the meeting was grim. All eyes were trained on Doris, the head of customer support. Doris surveyed the room as she spoke..."We have a problem in the field with the new release. Sixty-three users reported unrecoverable errors this week—a record high. An additional 152 people reported crashes, but the software recovered after reboot. This morning, I talked to an irate user who said he'd uninstalled our software after it crashed on him five times in a row. He wanted us to give him a full refund plus expenses. In short, the users are really angry. What do I tell them? When will we have a fix?" |
Hey Vendors, Give Us Real Scripting Languages Most test tools come bundled with vendor-specific scripting languages that I call vendorscripts. They are hard to learn, weakly implemented, and most important, they discourage collaboration between testers and developers. Testers deserve full-featured, standardized languages for their test development. Here's why. |
Steps for Integrating Reviews into Collaborative Workshops Reviews can be effectively integrated in your workshops, helping participants to create higher quality deliverables. Integrating reviews in your requirements workshops also helps participants to more fully explore how requirements relate to each other. This brief document provides you with a list of steps to employ before, during, and after a collaborative workshop to make best use of reviews. |
Integrating Reviews into the Requirements Phase A brief overview of how to integrate reviews into your requirements process while iteratively delivering your requirements. A figure is provided as an example. Different requirements models are shown as being created in stages and various review types are used to check their quality. |
Reviews, Inspections, and Walkthroughs A brief overview to reviews, inspections, and walkthroughs--an essential technique to increase quality and enhance team collaboration. |
Use Case Completion Worksheet (template) This use case template will help you keep track of changes and the disposition of use cases during a requirements workshop. |
PKI Systems Test: Initial Test Planning and Long-Term Strategy This unique test plan will not only examine your PKI from a detailed test case molecular perspective but also with a broad overview meaning to look at your holistic Web architecture. To ensure true Web security we require privacy, authenticity, integrity, and availability. Furthermore, a solid long-term strategy with vision should be signed off on to ensure that legal aspects can be handled if your server is somehow compromised. |
Susan Congiu
February 20, 2001 |
Researching Automated Tools for Project and Requirements Management This is a paper on choosing the right project management tool for your organization. It contains recommendations based on lessons learned from several opportunities to shop for the "perfect solution" in an attempt to gain control of software projects gone out of control. This paper focuses on aspects of the sale not covered in the sales brochures. |
Debbie Kohls
February 19, 2001 |
Experience with OS Reliability Testing on the Exemplar System In this paper I will discuss the development and use of the Continuous Hours of Operation (CHO) test which was developed for the Convex Division of Hewlett-Packard. My goal is to help readers with the practical aspects of developing a load test which can be used to help gauge and improve the reliability of a software system. I will briefly mention how we were unable to make much use of currently available software reliability frameworks, partially because of their deficiencies, and partially because of our inadequate knowledge of them. I knew enough about the theories to know that we did not have enough data to calculate a Mean Time to Failure metric; however, we were still successful in improving the reliability of our product and using the results of the CHO test as a release criterion. |
ERP Maintenance: Keeping Up with the Changes In his column, Bob Glass takes what he thinks is a short step to the edge of the arena of software testing and quality. He's talking about software maintenance, and the maintenance of a particular kind of software. Why? Because maintenance involves a great deal of testing and quality work, and because maintenance is arguably the most important consumer of software dollars. |
Robert L. Glass
February 15, 2001 |
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