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When we train AI systems using human data, the result is human bias.


How true is this?


What is a Web Table in Selenium

I am using Azure Databricks with Blob Storage. In my Python Notebook, I wanted to read a raw string using I dont know how to read a string with this methodology, if not this then is there any other way by which I can read a string value directly using spark. Because then I need to write that particular string in a text file using df.write.format("text").save([path]).

Just wanted to know if anyone is working on a Enterprise system[healthcare or so} and slowly moving into Cloud. IF so, what is the testing strategy adopted for testing the Enterprise system currently and  how are they planning to do the testing as we move into Cloud

Similar to QA dept being certified (Eg:ISO/IEX) in service based companies, is there specific certification for QA dept in product based companies?

Also provide details & process on how to get the QA dept certified.

Precilla Dimpe's picture
By Precilla Dimpe 2 Answers

I am new to testing. I would like to know the difference between a use case testing, test case and test scenario. Please help




Do any have idea to automate react native mobile application using appium+javascript.


Please reply the links or tutorials

I am an SEO executive in a company with a little expertise in SEO. Currently, I am working on keyword PHP development services for a company named The Brihaspati Infotech. After 5 months of continous work keyword is still strugling on 4th page. Please sugget me some out of the box strategies so that I can do better.

It's a survey on usual test automation tools ( open-source vs commercial) and what people think (and want from) about them.

Hi everyone,

I am a CS graduate student taking a course on Software Engineering. I would like to eventually do a project on generating test cases from software requirements but first I would like to understand why there aren't more tools doing so.

It would be great to have your response on this!

Any help would be appreciated.




A compay having projects in several programming languages and frameworks, which agnostic testing tools do you know that can be used in all or several of them?

One example is cloc that counts lines of code.

Which others do you know for static analysis, traceability and other common testing tasks ?


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