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ERP Maintenance: Keeping Up with the Changes[article]

In his column, Bob Glass takes what he thinks is a short step to the edge of the arena of software testing and quality. He's talking about software maintenance, and the maintenance of a particular kind of software. Why? Because maintenance involves a great deal of testing and quality work, and because maintenance is arguably the most important consumer of software dollars.

Robert L. Glass
e-Talk Radio: Rubin, Howard, 18 January 2001[article]

In major companies, one out of every four expense dollars is spent on information technology. As IT becomes more important to business, it has to be run as a business--be market competitive, be market ready, offer the customers options, manage itself with a strong fiscal accountability, treat the money it's responsible for as an investment. The notion of running IT as a business really means making IT competitive through the regular market pressures of the business that houses it, and more and more companies are understanding this.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
e-Talk Radio: Derby, Esther, 4 January 2001[article]

Ms. Dekkers and Ms. Derby talk about various management issues (e.g., promotions based on technical skills instead of people management skills, and the importance of interpersonal skills training for managers) and modeling organizational change.

Esther Derby's picture Esther Derby
E-Business Testing: Risks and Test Strategy[article]

There are five main risk areas in E-Business (EB) system development. These risks relate to usability, performance, security, availability and functionality. This paper presents an overview of the risks of E-Business and a framework for creating an E-business Test Strategy.

Paul Gerrard's picture Paul Gerrard
Seven Deadly Sins of Software Reviews[article]

This article describes seven common ways that technical reviews go wrong. Symptoms of the problem and suggestions for getting the review back on track also are presented.

Karl E. Wiegers
From Software Quality Control to Quality Assurance[article]

A two-stage approach to transforming quality control to quality assurance: Quality Assessment (Stage 1) provides objective quantitative evaluation of quality while identifying and fixing software defects early in the development cycle, before they get to the customer and even before testing; Quality Assurance (Stage 2) helps prevent defects from entering the code base by enforcing coding standards during, and by preventing new defects from occurring during times of change through accurate impact analysis.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
E-Business Testing: Test Techniques and Tools[article]

This paper describes twenty techniques for testing E-Business applications. These techniques were introduced in the companion paper, "Risk-Based E-Business Testing, Part 1, Risks and Test Strategy." The techniques are described under five categories: Static Testing, Test Browsing, Functional Testing, Non-Functional Testing, and Large-Scale Integration Testing. A chapter on Post-Deployment Monitoring is appended.

Paul Gerrard's picture Paul Gerrard
Measurement Maturity at CMM Level 3[article]

This slide presentation discusses CMM Level 2 and 3. It describes characteristics of a mature measurement program at Level 3 and discusses measurement requirements from an assessor's perspective. The presentation provides examples and offers ideas on good and bad practices/programs. Measurement requirements are embedded throughout the model.

Beth Layman
When Helping Doesn't Help[article]

The term "codependency" was coined to describe an unhealthy coping pattern--one that focuses much on compensating for another party's shortcomings or weaknesses. This week's column asks the question, "Are you involved in codependent relationships with your software developers and project managers?" If so, you may be causing long-term harm in your effort to "do the right thing" for the project at hand.

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
Project Post Mortem is Not the Time for Criticism[article]

Those who talk about software development process seldom forget to mention the importance of a project post mortem. All books on process management that I have read and all company Web sites that I have visited have something to read about project post mortems. And my concern here is, do we realize the importance just because everyone else is talking about it or are we committed to use it because the concept sounds relevant? And if we are committed, then how do we take the best out of it?

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Strategies to Maximize the Value of Your Updates[article]

Updates are costly and disruptive. Plan to make certain that your updates are successful.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
A Problematic Truth[article]

"No Fred, we're not considering you for that promotion. You're too valuable where you are." How many of us have heard those words, or said them at least once to our staff? Sometimes, we use the "too valuable" phrase to avoid discussing problems with a staff member, problems you can bring out in the open and manage.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
A Child's-Eye View of Software Testing[article]

You've had to explain and justify your job to Management, to Human Resources, and to everyone at your high school reunion. But now comes the ultimate test: Your child's assignment for the next show-and-tell is to describe what her mom or dad does for a living. You scramble for an easy way to explain—maybe for the first time—what you do at the office, but your software testing reference books just don't have enough pictures of cute animals to really do the trick. This book might be just what you're looking for.

Alyn Wambeke
What Is Exploratory Testing?[article]

Exploratory software testing is a powerful and fun approach to testing. In some situations, it can be orders of magnitude more productive than scripted testing. I haven't found a tester yet who didn't, at least unconsciously, perform exploratory testing at one time or another. Yet few of us study this approach, and it doesn't get much respect in our field. It's high time we stop the denial, and publicly recognize the exploratory approach for what it is: scientific thinking in real time. Friends, that's a good thing.

James Bach's picture James Bach
Getting a Late Start on Test Automation[article]

Successful test automation requires team commitment, teamwork between testers and developers, and getting an early start. That's what Bret Pettichord said in a previous column. Bret notes that a reader, Jack Baseley, replied with a very good question: "How do you propose to deal with late starts?" Do we just give up? Bret picks up where he left off and devotes this column to answering that question.

Bret Pettichord's picture Bret Pettichord


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