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Inspection Generic Ruleset Simplified Version (template)[article]

This document is a contains a simplified ruleset for inspections.

Steve Allott
Inspection Entry & Exit Criteria from Gilb/Graham[article]

These are generic entry and exit criteria used on Inspections at ISS based on the work done by Gilb & Graham. Some of them were waived initially in order to get the process accepted, although we accept that this is far from ideal.

Steve Allott
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Inspection Teams[article]

My personal experience of trying to introduce an Inspection programme at a UK software house.

Steve Allott
Transferring Software Development Best Known Methods between Generational Product Lines[article]

Launching a new product line is a difficult and time-consuming task under the best circumstances. While working on a new project can be refreshing, difficulties arise in allocating sufficient resources to create and tune the new product development processes. Modifying the processes or Best-Known Methods (BKMs) of the past is one technique employed to allocate time and resources more effectively. Transferring BKMs from an earlier product line into the current one can bring about its own set of challenges which include: defining the BKMs, producing repeatable BKMs to be deployed in varied environments, implementing techniques to log the BKMs, and placing the BKMs in a central location. This paper discusses one approach to transfer software BKMs between generational product lines. The topics addressed include: defining the project's mission and goals; creating definitions and processes to support the BKM transference; encountering and solving issues while implementing the processes.

Definition of Defect Density[article]

This brief article by Linda Westfall defines the defect metric of Defect Density and gives two examples of how it could be reported and utilized.

Linda Westfall
Seven Steps to Designing a Software Metric[article]

If the metric is to provide useful information, everyone involved in designing, implementing, and collecting data for and utilizing a software metric must understand its definition and purpose. This paper outlines seven steps to documenting the design of software metrics in order to ensure this understanding.

Linda Westfall


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