

Test Collaboration How Collaboration Changes the Way Testers Think

It can be easy for testers to get into the mindset that they are the “Quality Police” solely in charge of when a product gets released. But when you share responsibility, ask questions, and talk to developers, customers, and stakeholders, you can really expand as a tester. Lisa Crispin details how collaboration has helped her grow.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin
A team of people around the globe 8 Simple Ways to Improve Distributed QA Teams

Geographically distributed QA teams and the challenges that they face are a common and ongoing topic in the software development world. In this article, Kevin Wilson focuses attention on eight simple solutions that can help maximize the effectiveness of your distributed QA team.

Kevin Wilson's picture Kevin Wilson
Traceable Tests Guide Your Agile Development with Traceable Tests

Testing professionals who are learning about agile often want to know how they can provide traceability among automated tests, features, and bugs and report on their testing progress. Here, Lisa Crispin gives an example of how her previous team worked together to integrate testing with coding and helped everyone see testing progress at a glance.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin
Technical Practices Accelerating the Adoption of Technical Practices

Agile teams are supposed to take responsibility for how they work and how they learn. But what if you need to jump-start that learning? Agile transformation is about making this happen rather than waiting for it to happen. You need to get your team to learn the technical side of agile, and soon. Here are some effective approaches.

Scott Barnes's picture Scott Barnes Clifford Berg
Testers in an Agile Environment The Role of Testers in an Agile Environment

There are many diverse ideas about what being a tester means in agile development environments. This leads to confusion between how agile testers and agile QA “fit” into agile teams and what the QA tester responsibilities are. John Stevenson explains why there appears to be some fear and a little distrust of agile environments among some testers, then offers suggestions for dealing with their confusion.

John Stevenson's picture John Stevenson
No Quick Fix Management Myth 33: We Need a Quick Fix or a Silver Bullet

A new approach to projects or a new tool is not a quick fix or a silver bullet. Too often, you have ingrained, systemic problems that require a cultural change. That doesn’t mean a new approach or a new tool won’t help. It can. But you also need to adjust the environment that caused the problems in the first place.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Agile Cycle New Ideas for Effective Localization Testing Practices in an Agile Cycle

While practices in localization testing have been suggested for every environment, it is becoming even more important to have such practices for an agile localization test effort. This is a list of ideas to help ensure on-time, on-cost product releases, synchronized efforts for releases in all languages, and good collaboration among team members.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture Rajini Padmanaban
Spiral of an Organization Avoiding the Organizational Death Spiral

The death spiral supersedes the death march in that the death march is a singular event, whereas the death spiral is systemic. It is the result of organizational dysfunction where teams march toward deadline after deadline without reflecting on or questioning if there is a better way to deliver software. There is! Take these positive steps.

Thomas Wessel's picture Thomas Wessel
Continuous Delivery in Apps Database Continuous Delivery Meets Your Application

Continuous delivery meshes well with agile development: Both facilitate the need to move quicker and deal with ever-changing requirements, delivering the best quality possible but usually with not enough resources. Agility is what is expected from technology companies and IT divisions. So, what does it take to have continuous delivery in your database?

Uri  Margalit's picture Uri Margalit
Automation is Not God Automation Test Suites Are Not God!

In today’s age of tight deadlines and accelerating delivery cycles of software, test automation is surely favorable for the world of functional testing and critical to the success of big software development companies. But its various benefits have led to unrealistic expectations from managers and organizations. This article highlights the role and use of automation in an agile context and the irreplaceable importance of manual testing.

Nishi Grover's picture Nishi Grover


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