“The opinions expressed in any public works are my own views and not those of any company I have or do work for"
Having been involved in testing for over 20 years and within the IT industry for more than 24 years I am still surprised with how exciting I find it and how much I continue to learn about things that are new.
I have a passion for learning and love to learn about new things. I have an interest in many things such as social science, psychology, photography and gardening. I keep involved within the testing community and write a testing blog (www.steveo1967.blogspot.com) and can be found regularly tweeting (@steveo1967).
I am keen to see what can be of benefit to software testing from outside the traditional channels and as such I like to explore different domains and see if there is anything that can be linked back to testing. I care about the testing community, like to be involved and like to be social.
I feel I have a wide variety of experience within testing and currently I am mentoring and training others in exploratory testing and SBTM whilst looking for opportunities to introduce approaches from other crafts such as anthropology, ethnographic research, design thinking, cognitive science and many others.
I am currently writing a book called the Psychology of Software #Testing - https://leanpub.com/thepsychologyofsoftwaretesting