Interviews and Videos

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Jeff Payne Security Testing in an Agile World: An Interview with Jeff Payne

Jeffrey Payne sat down with Noel Wurst to discuss a range of topics, including advice for teams that are attempting agile for the first time, the importance of clear communication between teams, and the ways that security testing has changed alongside modern technology.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
The Evolution of the User Experience: An Interview with Genefa Murphy

Creating a rich UX for mobile apps has gone from being a nice feature—to an absolute must. Genefa Murphy at HP discusses how agile development that incorporates collaboration between designers, developers, and testers goes a long way in building the apps that truly succeed in today's marketplace.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
How to Break Embedded Software: An Interview with Jon Hagar

Thirty-year system software engineer and testing consultant Jon Hagar details the challenges that embedded software testing poses. Learn how risks should feed attacks, especially when maintaining the safety of devices like pacemakers and braking systems.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Implementing Innovative Crowdsourced Testing: An Interview with Rajini Padmanaban

In this interview, Rajini Padmanaban shares some of the innovation being created through crowdsourced testing. Its immense versatility helps provide a fantastic return on investment for projects of all sizes; have you begun implementing crowdsourcing yet? Here's why you should consider it.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Traceability's Priceless Role in Agile: An Interview with William Gens

William Gens sits down with Noel Wurst to describe "the art and science of traceability" ahead of his STAREAST session of the same name. Learn what makes traceability meaningful and such a valuable asset to projects, no matter how bad the requirements may seem to be.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Risk's Vital Role in Test Management: An Interview with George Wilkinson

Ensuring the effectiveness of software testing efforts can require expert assessment and management. In this interview, George Wilkinson uses his more than twenty years of experience in the QA and testing fields to explain how risk-based testing can increase effectiveness, focus, and communication.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
JavaScript for Test-Driven Development: An Interview with Rob Myers

Agile Institute founder Rob Myers sits down with Noel Wurst to discuss why he believes, and hopes, that JavaScript will be the language of choice for enterprise development. Rob shares with us why opinions on JavaScript have change, and why the language is a great fit for agile development.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Why Planning Collaboration Is a Must: An Interview with Griffin Jones

Collaboration can bring chaos, but Griffin Jones explains in this insightful interview how proper planning can greatly reduce the chances of chaos while increasing the likelihood for success on many development projects.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Why the BA Is Essential to Agile Development: An Interview with Steve Adolph

Steve Adolph explains why the BA's role on an agile project cannot be overvalued, due to their immense communication and collaboration skills. Steve describes the best BAs as "boundary spanners" who know the importance of keeping everyone sitting together, and most importantly—talking.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Matt Barcomb suggests some patterns for team collaboration From One Expert to Another: Matt Barcomb

Janet Gregory and Matt Barcomb are presenting "Patterns for Team Collaboration: Toward Whole-team Quality" at the Agile Development Conference West 2013. In this interview, they discuss the value of patterns and the meaning of "whole-team quality."

Janet Gregory's picture Janet Gregory


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