The Gamification of Software Testing—An Interview with Christin Wiedemann
Christin Wiedemann describes how adding gamification to the workplace shouldn't be difficult in a world driven by gaming. Learn how creativity and team building are boosted by fun and trust. |
Leverage Social Media for Requirements Gathering: An Interview with Stefano Rizzo
Stefano Rizzo introduces the idea of using social media to encourage customers to get involved in the requirements gathering process. Learn how by introducing something that your customers are already contributing towards, you can capture the mood behind their true wants and needs. |
Military Training for Software Professionals: An Interview with Rick Craig
Does the training that enlisted military members receive give future testers and developers a better footing and education than can be found in a standard classroom? Rick Craig tells his story of transitioning from the military to the world of software testing. |
So You Want to Become a Developer? An Interview with Iris Classon
Iris Classon explains her decision to become a software programmer and shares the amazing amount she was able to learn in a very short period of time. Learn how agility played an invaluable role in the process and how you, too, can achieve software success. |
Continuous Performance Improvement: An Interview with Marisa Müller In this interview, Marisa Müller offers advice for anyone looking to boost performance improvement at either the personal or team level. Learn how to stay motivated on the never-ending quest of continuous improvement. |
Test Automation's Abilities, Myths, and Future: An Interview with Robert Muehlfellner Robert Muehlfellner spends some time with TechWell's Noel Wurst to look deep into the world of test automation tools. In this interview, Robert helps dispel some of the misconceptions about tools, while also explaining automation's role in both agile and mobile application development. |
Moving Quality Upstream: An Interview with Colleen Kirtland Colleen Kirtland and Harish Krishnankutty speak with firsthand experience about the difficulty of the "upstream swim" that many QA teams face in trying to elevate QA to the position of a trusted business partner. We spoke with Colleen about how testers can face this challenge. |
User Acceptance Testing: An Interview with Susan Bradley
Susan Bradley and TechWell's Noel Wurst discuss how making the user part of your testing team helps achieve quality at the beginning of your project. Learn how the user's valuable input creates real ownership of the product and helps everyone share the workload. |
Test Automation with Big Data: An Interview with Tarun Bhatia
In this interview with Noel Wurst, Tarun Bhatia speaks from experience working with big data in order to create highly effective mobile automation test projects. Learn how thinking outside the box has helped Tarun, and how it can help your test team, too. |
Keep Agile Testing Agile: An Interview with Aaron Barrett In this interview, Aaron Barrett gives advice that any QA team working with agile testing can utilize. Aaron covers everything from the importance of finding the definition of done to keeping collaboration from getting combative. |
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Sep 22 |
STARWEST Software Testing Conference in Anaheim & Online |
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Agile + DevOps USA The Conference for Agile and DevOps Professionals |
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