test automation Questions

Who can tell about his practical experience to work in a Agile and DevOps environment? You can for example think of questions like below:

  • What were for example the general advantages and disadvantages?
  • How was the relationship/atmosphere within the team?
  • Which was more succesfull at the end?
  • What do you prefere and why?

For example, there could be multiple outputs for one input depending state of the application or one input can have only one output also. 

I am interested in the others' take on visual testing alongside funtional testing with tools like Applitools?

I m new to IBM Rational Functional Tester. I wanted to know what is the career scope and future aspects of this tool. Is it used widely in the current industry?

I am searching some articles about sofware installation/uninstallation. Which are things what must have tested, best practices, creating test cases and so on.

Thanks for help :)

By Ankita Prabhu - September 29, 20142 Answers

Helo, I have recently joined as a tester in an IT company and asked to use jmeter

I dont much knowledge abt jmeter

But through youtube n google I learnt d basic of recording scripts and running it n seeing the results throught listeners

My doubt is how to know dat 'here-and -here' is a bug?

Like in manual testing its easy to point out any mistake

But how to do the same in jmeter?

And how v vl come to know at which module/point is d bug?

Reply asap

What is the widely used automation tools for functional and performance testing. 

I am confused to choose my career path. I have strong interest towards coding and learning automation. can any one suggest me few tips and advices in choosing my career path.

What are the skills needed for the entry level Performance testers

What are the skills needed for the Middle level Performance testers

What are the skills needed for the Advanced level Performance testers

By Manu Joy - June 26, 20141 Answer


       I am a new user in Bugzilla. I need to customize the email template(newchangedmail.txt.tmpl). I want to know only two things.

     1. Which variable represent for 'RESOLUTION' ?

     2. Which variable represent for 'DEAD LINE DATE' ?

   Can anyone please help me .


 Thanks in advance.

 Manu Joy


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