test automation Questions

Which tool is the best for Test Management. It must be suitable for any type of software projects and it can be integrated with any third party issue tracking tools[eg. bugzilla etc.,].

[Opensource, Licensed][agile, general]

It’s obvious that Smartphones are going to transform the world. Beginners in mobile app developing ought to know about the major challenges in mobile app testing. This will be a great help for Mobile App Testing Services. As a first time app developer I need to know about those challenges. Can anyone say the major challenges faced by Mobile App Testing Services?

For huge data comparisison from UI with Excel ,what should be the approach in Selenium automation ?

what are some best software quality assurance USA based companies in Mumbai India

It’s a known fact that Mobile Application Testing is time consuming and expensive as well. Testing services use numerous methods to tackle the challenges during app testing. Can anyone say some of the major challenges for Mobile Application Testing services?

As everyone knows, penetration testing or pen testing is used for finding vulnerabilities in software systems in terms of security. Penetration testing services use many tools for pen testing. Can you suggest some amazing tools used by Penetration testing services?

As in, what kinds of testing? And how often do you run those automated tests?

We've started using automation for testing on my current project, and we're currently focusing on automating at least some of the use cases we use for regression testing, and plan to run them on a daily basis, as a check for the daily builds we make.

BUT, I was just wondering what others found to be more and less useful for what to actually automate. 

I also feel very much like this depends upon the type of software project on which you work, so, for example, testing something like an online shopping cart where the team can release updates frequently has different needs compared to testing an operating system release.

Any thoughts?


By Rose Mary Johny - April 14, 20162 Answers

which is best way for capture and reply in embedded system testing?

I am facing this exception in IE browser,these xpath works fine in other browser with all windows combination.

Here are the xpath's below provided.

1. //form[@id='form1']/div[2]/table/tbody/tr[2]/th

2. //tr[2]/th

Please provide a solution for this issue which am unable to replicate.


org.openqa.selenium.InvalidSelectorException: The xpath expression '//form[@id='form1']/div[2]/table/tbody/tr[2]/th' cannot be evaluated or does not result in a WebElement

Any one and explain with steps?


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