test automation Questions

Each QA automation team has its own specific priorities when choosing a test automation tool to facilitate the UI regression testing process. But what approach is more popular: a lightweight solution which is simple and quick grasp (but will not cover all your regression testing scope) or a full-scale test automation framework which can do much more but will require lots of time to create and maintain the test coverage? What would you/your team/your manager(s) choose and why?

Can anyone recommend SQA Forum to join or SQA user group in Boston area?  Office is in Boston.  Interested in following topics: Selenium WebDriver and UFT automated frameworks, agile testing, mobile testing non-apps (browser based websites on mobile devices).


I am a test automation specialist and test manager and I am seaching for ideas in which way I have to change my mindset, my knowledge and tool expierience when beeing part of a development team or company for developping digital services and products?

There are many tools available in the market for automation testing.But which is the best tool to start with who does not have experience in Automation testing but has worked on manual testing.

As I know, here's the list of some automation testing tools that i think they are the best at this moment:

1. Testcomplete https://smartbear.com (It's a paid automation tool. It's an little tricky to learn and use but quite similar to Selenium)

2. Katalon Studio: https://www.katalon.com (It's a free automation tool - enhances Selenium and Appium with a complete test automation framework that helps you start testing in no time)

3. Tosca Testsuit: www.tricentis.com (There are many more features that are useful for automation but there can really be a need for some coding effort to integrate with your application)

And anything else?



i have one application to test. it has caling functionality. its impossible to test application in all avaliable android device. so give me way to teast it. i have also tried amazon cloud services. but it has limited devices.

Suggest few of the most preferred testing tools which are used to test apps based on REST APIs.

By joy chowdhury - August 16, 20161 Answer

I am currently working on UFT tool. For my career which tool is good for future progress. ETL or performance testing??

By James Skelton - August 4, 20162 Answers

Our company uses Storyline and Captivate tools to create ELearning courses. These output in flash. I'd like to setup some simple automation tests for our regression suites. Ideally at no cost. Appreciate any inputs. Thanks


I have been a test manager for a small IT company for a few years, with a team manual testers. I am also from a manual testing background. My company has just hired our first automation tester, however I need to be able to communicate with him about his work in order to effectively manage expectations for both him and the business.

Where do I begin with this? What can I learn to help him and myself?

Many thanks!

By Hotovaga A - June 25, 20161 Answer

I just created a TestCase having DataDriven Framework in mind.

Created FunctionLibrary and DataFile pertaining to the TestCase

But when I created the DriverScript and associated/imported related files into it and clicked on RUN,

NOTHING happened!

Not even an error message!!

I Googled it and coming accross not much help.

Please help me and,

Thanks a lot in advance.




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