test automation Questions

When a value is selected from the dropdown the sub drop down list is populated in a field.QTP can recognize that sub dropdown list but cannot select a value from that list.

Even virtual object concept is not working. How to select (basically click)element from that drop down?

Application software deliverable get's delayed due to Developer's or Tester's in IT industries? 

Which are the valuable charts or process guidelines to measure this ?

How can we select a single particular value in a row of datatable when that particular row is having many values using QTP?

A row of datatable is having many values amongst which one value needs to be selected and prcessed to next step.How can we do that using QTP?

I'm new to testing..i'm going to choose testing as my domain..i would like to know more about testing tools.which will have better growth and more demand in the market??

We have a complex audio product with both bespoke hardware and Java / C++ software. A new interface using a customised Android build is being developed. Testing requires both visual and auditory confirmation.

We are keen to use agile methodologies, particularly in the development of a new UI, where the developers currently use SCRUM in 2 week sprints.

In the test department, a full product regression can take 12 man weeks. This is a very long time. I am keen to find ways to reduce this, to be more agile in our testing, but all the documentation I read requires use of automation.

The route to test Automation is significantly hindered by the use of customised builds that don't work with off the shelf packages, a requirement to verify audio when testing and interaction with bespoke hardware.

Does anyone have suggestions as to what automation systems might pay any benefit with Android, or how we can still be agile in our test methoids, even though the testing is manual?

I am looking for a tool to validate postgresql performance as compared to SQL Server, something other than HammerDB.  

I am currently using Hammerdb to compare the performance differences between SQL Server 2012 (on Windows Server 2012) and Postgresql (on Linux), each of which are installed on comparable hardware.  I am looking for a tool to compare my findings against.


I am about to start testing a social networking website. Have done all my test designs, for a large set of manual tests that cover functionality, privacy settings ,etc. However my main concern is a feature like the news feed, as I have a feeling that a simple manual testing approach, no matter how thorough, just won't be enough. Any ideas on how to test the news feed? All ideas are welcome.




By Amanda Picard - April 17, 20141 Answer


Can someone provide some examples of key-words for key-word driven automation?  I have an enterprise app that I have over 1000 manual tests which I would like to convert to automated tests and I'm not sure where to begin.  Many of the tests are dependent on running pre-requisite tests and depend on the data from these tests.

We are looking at testing tools and Selenium was recommended. So we are trying to find out what the pros and cons of using Selenium are for automated testing from testers who have been using it.

According to different sites, testing tools should be used for testing but manual testing have also its importance. I am little bit confuse about this statement. Please anyone tell me difference between these two points and tell how much time should spend on both of them??


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