Test Planning


Risk Management in Hindsight Risk Management in Hindsight: A Simple Tool for Focused Problem Solving in a Project Retrospective

Quality improvement initiatives sometimes have trouble getting traction in organizations because of the perceived formality. In this article, Payson proposes a technique for identifying process improvement that is fast, organic, and will fly under the radar of most skeptics until it has demonstrated its value to the team.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall
The Cloud—Coming Around Again

Regardless of what you believe, the cloud marketing hype will be around for quite some time. Paul Fratellone recounts his personal history dealing with the cloud and why QA professionals need to think about capitalizing on the cloud’s hype. QA professionals should use their previous cloud experiences to their advantage in today’s industry.

Paul Fratellone's picture Paul Fratellone
The Software Testing Draft: Skipping Certain Players and Reforming Others

Bonnie Bailey describes how assembling a great software testing team isn’t just about finding the right players; it’s also about reforming or perhaps weeding out the not-so-great players. Squashing certain negative traits found on the team (or preventing those traits from entering the team in the first place) is vital for everyone’s success.

Bonnie Bailey's picture Bonnie Bailey
Seven (Terrible) Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Manage Risks, and Thoughtful Responses to Each of Them

Proposing more effective risk management is essentially suggesting a change to the way people do things. Payson Hall explains seven dismissive remarks you might encounter if you propose increased risk-management rigor.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall
The Wrong Ratio: How Many Testers Do You Need?

Linda Hayes explains that while there is no meaningful relationship between how many developers you have and how many testers you need, there is an unavoidable correlation between how well your developers test and how much is left to testers. The most reliable way to measure how many testers you need is to treat each project as a unique case.

Linda Hayes's picture Linda Hayes
Is Your Project Done Yet?

Brad Egeland describes six key things he looks for in order to make sure that a project team has completed everything and the customer is prepared to take over. It's important to stay focused and engaged during the end of a project and not to simply coast into the final deployment phase.

Brad  Egeland's picture Brad Egeland
The Dotted Line in Role Delineation between a Developer and a Tester

While collaboration has measurable benefits—faster issue resolution, better understanding of the product and its features,load sharing of team responsibilities (in systems such as kanban)—it also introduces ambiguity around the team members' roles and responsibilities. Of specific interest to us here is the boundary around a tester’s role and its delineation from a developer's role.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture Rajini Padmanaban
Writing Test Rules to Verify Stakeholder Requirements

Some organizations employ business analysts who are very good at specifying requirements at the beginning of a software project. The advantage of this step is the reduction in ambiguity for the developer and tester of what should be delivered.

Brendan Quinn's picture Brendan Quinn
You Don't Need Superb Technical Skills to Be a Valuable Tester

Testers who question their own technical ability have more to contribute to technical tasks than they realize because such tasks often don’t require as much technical ability as they think. Bonnie Bailey explains that growth comes through trial and error and plenty of reorienting around dead ends.

Bonnie Bailey's picture Bonnie Bailey
Open Source Automated Testing Ecosystem Time to Think about an Open Source Automated Testing Ecosystem

In our modern world of software development, software testing is increasing in importance as well as complexity. Today’s multitude of desktop and mobile operating systems, browsers, and devices, while on one hand, offer a great set of options for the end-user, also make it challenging for testers to ensure application and device compatibility.

Mukesh Sharma's picture Mukesh Sharma


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