Conference Presentations

Scaling Quality through Community Leadership

Modern software development organizations often build teams around features. Unfortunately, these teams tend to become siloed, building tools and processes without being aware of how other teams have solved the same problems.

Philip Daye
STAREAST Disrupt Your Career and Discover True Quality Engineering

One of the best things Melissa Tondi did for her career was disrupt it.

Melissa Tondi
STAREAST No One Really Cares about Testing: A Perspective from a Billion-Dollar App Team

When is the last time you read a five-star review in the App Store or Play Store that raved, “This app is so well-tested! Their quality assurance team really knows what they’re doing.

Andrew Bardallis
Agile DevOps East Enabling Continuous Testing with Docker and Kubernetes

Quality assurance frequently lags behind the development of new features. One common cause is the difficulty of getting software into a deployable state for testing. Join Arjun Comar as he discusses how Docker containers and Kubernetes can be used to solve this challenge. Arjun will talk about his experiences on recent DevOps efforts where Docker and Kubernetes enabled rapid deployments, and you will learn how to set up short-lived test environments that can shift testing left and permit testing to be performed even prior to developers merging code into the mainline, allowing continuous testing during sprints. Arjun will show how continuous integration systems can use the same process to spot-check every change and help you more easily achieve continuous delivery. Take home knowledge about the kinds of changes that allow engineers to test early and often, benefitting both automated and manual testing efforts.

Cassandra Comar
STARCANADA Ditch Your Bug-Tracking Tool: 3 Solid Tactics to Minimize Bug Counts

A bug-free product release is an ideal that testers, developers, and project managers strive for, but when it comes to the go/no-go decision, the balance is often struck between "good" and "good enough," leaving behind a rotting to-do pile in the bug-tracking tool that is rarely acted upon...

Jerry Penner
STARCANADA Telling a Better Story: Finding Quality in the Agile User Story

When delivering agile software development projects and conducting quality assurance and testing assessments, it often seems that “solving the testing problem” doesn’t solve “the quality problem.” The testing problem is much broader than just code quality, testing tools, automation...

Stephan Marceau
STARWEST 2018 A Tale of Continuous Testing

When the atmosphere is hostile to QA, and yet the demands on the QA Team are increasing, how do you transform a team where everything is tested and deployed manually, to an organization that delivers great software multiple times a day? Where do you start and how do you create the strategy for implementing Continuous Testing? Join David Lumpkin as he shares his company's journey to answer these questions and the team's evolution along the way. Over a three-year period, Craftsy went from an environment hostile towards QA, to one that embraces automation and exploratory testing, achieving the right level of coverage for every use case, device and browser. It wasn’t easy though and David shares their experience through many experiments, failures and revisions that finally made Continuous Testing a reality.

David Lumpkin
STARWEST 2018 Measuring and Maximizing Crowdsourced Vulnerability Discovery

There are many crowdsourcing vulnerability discovery techniques available today, making it difficult for testers to choose an approach that finds important vulnerabilities while offering the best bang for the buck. Join Mike Shema as he shares several years of real-world data that will help you understand the different discovery techniques, such as bug bounty programs and scanners, and the best time to use each technique. Mike also will discuss how your approach may change according to your lifecycle, and ways to think about integrating security within that process. You'll see how metrics play a pivotal role in determining where to focus your time in order to work as efficiently as possible while achieving the best results. Learn three key measures that help drive risk-based decisions while balancing your team’s efforts with the stakeholders’ need for information.

Mike Shema
STAREAST 2018 Make the Shift to Quality Engineering

In the shift toward “continuous everything” in software development and delivery, we know that testing and testers must foster and support innovation within technology. Many of us just don’t know how to gauge that shift or, more importantly, know what needs to happen within our role to make it happen. Melissa Tondi explores the future of testing, what skills we should have/develop to ensure we are prepared for that future, and the traits of a quality engineer (QE)—where she believes many tester roles are shifting. Melissa walks you through what an innovation-oriented QE organization looks like, how she has shifted several traditional QA/testing teams to become quality engineers with balance between traditional specialist roles and more generalists—all while keeping efficiency and innovation at the forefront.

Melissa Tondi
STAREAST 2018 Manual Testers Can Thrive in a Test Automation World

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Jeanne Schmidt


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