Conference Presentations

Gamification in Assurance: The Future of QA and Testing Workspace

Quality Assurance and Testing is an interesting and challenging profession. As custodians of the business, we are responsible for assuring both the business and the end customer experience. Even though some testing activities have become mundane and repetitive, testing...

Kannan Subramaniam, Comcast, and Prasad MK, TCS
Eliminate the Testing Swiss Cheese Syndrome

Test plans and test coverage often resemble Swiss cheese—full of holes in high risk areas of code. And teams may be unaware because they lack sufficient visibility into what areas of...

Rich Newman, Coverity
Continuous Testing and New Tools for Automation

Learn how you can create a full continuous integration solution entirely in the cloud using GitHub, Selenium, Sauce Labs, and Travis CI. Michael Redman will show you how to take...

Michael Redman, Sauce Labs
Quality Principles for Today’s “Glueware”—Testing Web Services, Libraries, and Frameworks

In the past, developers knew every line of code in their applications. They designed it, wrote it, tested it, and controlled it. Today’s applications are far different. Rather than written, they are often assembled―from program language libraries, third-party frameworks, encapsulated web...

Julie Gardiner
Building Quality In: Adopting the Tester’s Mindset

When trying to improve the development process, agile and lean transformations often start by focusing on engineering. Product management and development get a lot of attention; however, tester is not one of the defined Scrum roles. Despite the attention given to automated tests...

Stephen Vance, Stellar Advances
The Role of Testing: Quality Police or Quality Communicator?

An underwear advertisement in 1985 featured the dedicated and thorough Inspector 12 saying, “They don't say Hanes until I say they say Hanes.” Historically, software testers have been called on to perform a similar role―preventing defective products from reaching customers. However...

Mike Duskis, 10-4 Systems
Virtualization: Improve Speed and Increase Quality

Many development and test organizations must work within the confines of compressed release cycles, various agile methodologies, and cloud and mobile environments for their business applications. So, how can test organizations keep up with the pace of development and increase the quality...

Clint Sprauve, HP
STARWEST 2014: Using DevOps to Improve Software Quality in the Cloud

DevOps is gaining popularity as a way to quickly and successfully deploy new software. With all the emphasis on deployment, software quality can sometimes be overlooked. In order to understand how DevOps and software testing mesh, Jeff Payne demonstrates a fully implemented...

Jeff Payne, Coveros, Inc.
Video: Service Virtualization: Speed Up Delivery and Improve Quality

“We could not test this because…” Every technology professional has experienced issues during system testing when unit testing was overlooked or cut short. Every project team has hit roadblocks during system testing when dependent systems or complicated data have been unavailable. Service...

Anne Hungate, Independent Consultant
Ambiguity Reviews: Building Quality Requirements

Are you frustrated by the false expectation that we can test quality into a product? By the time an application is delivered to testing, our ability to introduce quality principles is...

Susan Schanta, Cognizant Technology Solutions


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