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Any open source or commerical tools can be used for Microservices testing? all protocols in one tool?

I have to prepare a presentation comparing both States: California vs Texas, and although there is tons of information about cost differences, I have not found any information about software testing price differences.  I imagine it is higher in California but is it high enough to compensate the cost differences?

I'm trying to figure out the proper terminology for our dev/test procedure.

1. The main master codebase in bitbucket.

2. Developers make their code changes (bug fixes, feature improvements) and create pull requests/feature branches that contain their code commits. They are not saved directly into master (so not CI). Each jira issue generally has one corresponding pull request.

Have you been measuring how many defects you find at unit testing and system testing per KLOC and how much may cost to fix them?


I can find some information like:

with code reviews + unit testing one can find up to 70% of the defects.

Other studies say that the cost of finding and fixing a defect at unit testing is $428 and at system testing is $1045.

I believe this to be a conflict of interest or simply a case of ethics. I'm having issues locating a clear statement on this type of situation.

I simply want to be able to document and report (visually) web performance (time responsiveness) to my team.  I can f12 and bring up the console, but just wondering if there is a good tool out there people use to graph or display this data.

In traditional waterfall and agile processes we implement a test strategy to set expectations (and receive feedback) on approach for a release (multiple sprints of work) and test summary to capture results of the execution (functionl, security, and performance testing).  

In a a CI/CD model when we have a 2 week sprint and plan to deploy every 2 weeks it seems a bit cumbersome to do a strategy and summary every 2 weeks.  Ideally the summary could be pulled from an automation tool and produced to a dashboard so that should not be too bad.

Looking for information regarding QAI Global.  Have seen questionable reviews.  not familiar with this company at all.  

i am a manual mobile app tester. 

Please explain how middleware system testing is different from other testing(frontend testing,backend testing)and what is the role of System of Request(SOR) in middleware testing ?

Have you used to learn automation tools? please advise

what should be responsibilities and skills they do have?


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