

Does Exploratory Testing Have a Place on Agile Teams?

Exploratory testing—questioning and learning about the product as you design and execute tests rather than slavishly following predefined scripts—makes sense for many projects. But does it make sense for agile projects? In this column, Johanna Rothman examines how exploratory testing might work on an agile project.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Secrets to Automated Acceptance Tests

Has your team been on the search for a fully automated acceptance test? Before you set out on that adventure, check out some of the accomplishments and perils behind the quest for complete automation, as explained by Jeff Patton in this week's column. Fully automated acceptance tests may seem like the solution to many problems, but you should know that it comes with a few problems of its own.

Jeff Patton's picture Jeff Patton
Surveying the Terrain

Bug logs and testing dashboards are great reports for testers, but sometimes these reports simply fall short of communicating key information, to stakeholders, such as why testing is blocked. In this column, Fiona Charles explains that when sharing information with stakeholders, it's best to use their language and create a report that maps out the system's current status. Fiona's solution: survey reports.

Fiona Charles's picture Fiona Charles
dynamic path handling chart Training Test Automation Scripts for Dynamic Combat: Strikes

Dion Johnson use the martial arts metaphor four common issues with automated tests and how test automation specialiasts can "train" their scripts to identify, capture, and handle these problems. In this week's column, Dion talks about how to make develop test automation scripts that handles dynamic paths within an application—which he call "strikes."

Dion Johnson's picture Dion Johnson
performance testing curve Peeling the Performance Onion

Performance tuning is often a frustrating process, especially when you remove one bottleneck after another with little performance improvement. Danny Faught and Rex Black describe the reasons why this happens and how to avoid getting into that situation. They also discuss why you can't work on performance without also dealing with reliability and robustness.

Danny R. Faught's picture Danny R. Faught
Testing COTS: When, How, and How Much?

Testing processes and practices are well defined and generally understood for internally developed applications, but what about those that are licensed from third parties? Granted, the vendor has responsibility for testing its own products, but the possibility of the software failing still exists and can be costly, even devastating; blaming others offers little consolation. If you rely on a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) application, where does your trust in the vendor end?

Linda Hayes's picture Linda Hayes
An Uncomfortable Truth about Agile Testing

One characteristic of agile development is continuous involvement from testers throughout the process. Testers have a hard and busy job. Jeff has finally starting to understand why testing in agile development is fundamentally different.

Jeff Patton's picture Jeff Patton
Pack Up Your Troubles

Who likes working on troubled projects? Fiona Charles does. In this column, find out why Fiona sometimes seeks out such projects and how she maintains the right frame of mind to allow her to solve problems creatively and devise tactical solutions to project issues. More importantly, you, too, can learn how to enjoy troubled projects and develop your project skills.

Fiona Charles's picture Fiona Charles
Training Test Automation Scripts for Dynamic Combat: Self Defense

Dion Johnson use the martial arts metaphor four common issues with automated tests and how test automation specialiasts can "train" their scripts to identify, capture, and handle these problems. In this week's column, Dion talks about how to make develop test automation scripts that defend themselves from problems and failures.

Dion Johnson's picture Dion Johnson
Making Sense of Root Cause Analysis

Applying Root Cause Analysis (RCA) to software problems is fundamentally different from applying it to other engineering disciplines. Rather than analyzing a single major failure, we are usually analyzing a large number of failures with software. In this column, Ed Weller explains how to use RCA to your advantage.

Ed Weller's picture Ed Weller


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