

What is a Web Table in Selenium?

What is a Web Table in Selenium

steve joy's picture steve joy
Top 10 Top 10 Most-Read StickyMinds Articles of 2020

Don't miss out on the top 10 most-read StickyMinds articles of the year. Topics covered include tools, approaches to testing, frameworks, and more.

Allison Scholz's picture Allison Scholz
How to read a string value in spark with Python?

I am using Azure Databricks with Blob Storage. In my Python Notebook, I wanted to read a raw string using spark.read(). I dont know how to read a string with this methodology, if not this then is there any other way by which I can read a string value directly using spark. Because then I need to write that particular string in a text file using df.write.format("text").save([path]).

Currently I am only able to read contents from a file using spark.read.text([path of file]). So, instead of reading from file I directly wanted to pass a string value.

john josef's picture john josef
Measurement Choosing the Right Testing Metrics

Testing always looks to provide more information in order to have less uncertainty and better control over risk, but that information has to be analyzed carefully.


Federico Toledo's picture Federico Toledo
Hacker Why Security Vulnerability Assessments Are Necessary

The growing menace of cybercrime has necessitated vulnerability assessments and testing. They help organizations understand their security flaws and work toward mitigating them.

Akshaya Choudhary's picture Akshaya Choudhary
embrace Three Ways to Help Developers Embrace Testing

Development teams that shift testing left discover bugs earlier, enhance developer productivity, and increase release velocity by avoiding the long and costly delays that occur when bugs are discovered at the end of the development cycle. Shifting left creates faster feedback loops and allows for faster bug remediation. 

Alissa Lydon's picture Alissa Lydon
Is there any testing tools which can help in automating spark jobs and verification of hive tables

im currently facing a challenge i need to automate spark jobs ( basically spark jobs trigger the job which takes data from input tables and put into output tables ...these are hive tables)  is there any tool or way to automate end to end effectively.....thanks in advance..any approaches are welcome

neel shah's picture neel shah
Focus on Quality Let’s Focus More on Quality and Less on Testing

In order to understand a tester's value, we need to look at the role and understand the impact of the changing development process on this role.

Joel Montvelisky's picture Joel Montvelisky
5 Essentials to Ensure QA Fits Perfectly into DevOps

DevOps is the preferred methodology for software development companies looking to code, build, test, and deploy software as a continuous process. It is popular because it creates a fast-paced, results-oriented, collaborative environment that encourages cross-skilling and self-improvement.

Jagadish Anandhan's picture Jagadish Anandhan
Java Performance Testing with Your Own Tool

Performance testing is an important procedure to be carried out before approving any software product for shipment. You’ve probably heard some horror stories from senior colleagues about a time when the system was shipped without any performance testing. So now, it is an essential part of your testing. There are various tools for implementing performance testing for non-GUI middleware systems, but there are times we don't have the liberty to choose from an existing set of tools for performance testing


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