X-ray Vision and Exploratory Testing Imagine you have X-ray vision. Instead of seeing through walls, you can see the inner structure of programs, the bugs lying inside, and how to expose them. Anyone could execute the steps you gave them to reproduce the bugs. The difficulty in testing, then, is not in executing steps; it is figuring out what steps to take. How do you find those hidden bugs? We need to be the X-ray vision.
Enterprise Test Automation: 4 Ways to Break Through the Top Barriers How can mature companies with complex systems achieve the level of test automation that modern delivery schedules and processes demand? There are four strategies that have helped many organizations finally break through the test automation barrier: Simplify automation across the technology stack, end the test maintenance nightmare, shift to API testing, and choose the right tools for your needs.
How to Accelerate Your Release Cycles with Agile Testing With the traditional waterfall method of testing, achieving quality and faster time to market is difficult. Agile testing has emerged as an alternative, where development and testing take place simultaneously instead of operating in their respective silos. Let’s look at what it means to perform agile testing, what practices are necessary, and how agile testing can benefit your software releases.
Whole Team Quality: A Conversation with Melissa Benua
Melissa Benua, director of engineering at mParticle, chats with TechWell community manager Owen Gotimer about the importance of whole team quality, how to get started using the test pyramid, and how developers can start writing testable code.
Testing in Agile: How to Get Started There is a lot of interest in organizations around a transformation to agility. However, the focus is usually on agile development, so it may not be clear how software testing is done in agile. If you're responsible for leading your testing teams, don't let them be left behind. Here’s how you can make testers part of the transformation, too—step by step, because this is agile, after all.
Just wanted to know if anyone is working on a Enterprise system[healthcare or so} and slowly moving into Cloud. IF so, what is Just wanted to know if anyone is working on a Enterprise system[healthcare or so} and slowly moving into Cloud. IF so, what is the testing strategy adopted for testing the Enterprise system currently and how are they planning to do the testing as we move into Cloud
March 20, 2020 |
Sponsored Interview: DevOps Trends in Enterprise Mobility
Dan McFall, president and CEO at Mobile Labs, chats with TechWell community manager Owen Gotimer about trends in enterprise mobility, the role DevOps and the cloud play in mobile application testing, and the transition to working from home.
Where Your Money Is Lost in Testing Companies that want to reduce testing costs usually try working with fewer people, or even cutting back on the amount of testing done. But with those approaches, quality usually suffers. Releasing a critical bug and suffering the subsequent pain usually costs multiple times what testing would. There are better ways to save money, and it can be done just by being smarter about our test cases and their structure.
How to Collaborate on a Brand-New QA Team As a quality analyst, when you raise a bug, developers sometimes react as if you were personally attacking their job. The situation can be even more difficult if you are starting a new QA team, where you will work with people who have never had the quality assurance component. Here is some advice for ways you can be effective when you’re starting on a team that has never worked with quality analysts before.
The Lazy Student's Guide to Test Automation: A Conversation with Chris Loder
Chris Loder, automation architect at Upland InGenius, chats with TechWell staff about how test automation and laziness can help drive quality within organizations.