

Most Common QA Myths

One of my mentors, whom I admire, once told me, "Quality is not only QA's responsibility; everyone- from development engineers to technical architects, to product managers need to share the responsibilities. In a QA role, if you want to be successful, you have to know the right amount of information from everyone and always ask questions." I took my mentor's advice very seriously. 

Dilruba Malik's picture Dilruba Malik
Man looking at mountains through binoculars The Art of Exploratory Testing

Some people assume that exploratory testing is a task with low-effort thinking, where the tester simply goes through the application and sees what comes up. While we shouldn't discount doing just that, because sometimes it does reveal some interesting bugs, there are techniques and patterns that testers can follow when exploring an application. Let's look at a two-step process to use in exploratory testing.

Sanjugtha Shoba's picture Sanjugtha Shoba
Tester looking at theories posted on a wall Wish-List Ideas for Software Testing Research

There are many established ideas for ways to test software, but the industry is changing every day, and there's plenty of room for growth of new ideas—or challenges to traditional ones. Here are three ideas for "wish-list" research to conduct in order to shake up some of the conventional notions you may have about software testing techniques.

Michael Stahl's picture Michael Stahl
Is there any disposable email service that allow us to receive veriifcation mail at temparory address and verify them?

I need to automate the process where each time I need to register a user with a different email and verify them. Is there any such email service that allows testers to automate the process of getting a token / URL from a temporary mail address?

Surendranath Birudala's picture Surendranath Birudala
Is there any disposable email service that allow us to send veriifcation mail at temparory address and verify them?

I need to automate a process where each time I need to register with a different email and need to verify the user on a specific email. Is there any such email service that allows testers to automate the process?

Surendranath Birudala's picture Surendranath Birudala
A Primer on Continuous Testing

Continuous testing shortens feedback loops through automated testing that occurs throughout the development lifecycle—hence "continuous." Testing and QA become the responsibility of everyone working on the software, not just testers. Let's look at some proven practices from organizations that have used continuous testing effectively to realize tangible benefits.

Vasudevan Swaminathan's picture Vasudevan Swaminathan
Testing as a Craft: A Conversation with Greg Paskal

Greg Paskal, evangelist in testing sciences and lead author for RealWorldTestAutomation.com, chats with TechWell community manager Owen Gotimer about testing as a craft, choosing the right test automation tools, and current testing trends around the world.

Owen Gotimer's picture Owen Gotimer
Colorful gears 5 Reasons Enterprise Test Automation Is So Challenging

Most organizations understand that test automation is essential for modern application delivery processes. They’re just not sure how to make it a reality in an enterprise environment without exorbitant overhead and massive disruption. Enterprise organizations typically achieve small victories, but the process ultimately decays due to challenges in five main areas. Understanding these challenges will help us overcome them.

Wolfgang Platz's picture Wolfgang Platz
How to do away with traditional Testing process

Scenario: I am working for a Product based company where schedule is very tight and we usually do not get much time between releases to create proper test cases, update and manage test suite, revisit the existing ones. Hence even though we have quite a large amount of TC repository, most of the testing goes adhoc and so are the defects, rendering those cases un-fruitful.
Following traditional testing process consumes lots of test execution time which affect quality.
Our process does not follow proper agile methodology or waterfall. Even though we have dates timelines, estimations from Dev, QA etc but 99% of times they tend to extend due to last minute change request (decision: upper management).
Overall, since we are not following any proper methodology, following traditional testing method of creating ground level cases with steps/ updating on test management tool/ executing and then following defect management etc takes a toll.

Ankur Jain's picture Ankur Jain
Automation Software Is Production Software

When it comes to testing, there tends to be a differentiation between “production software” and everything else. But our ideas and principles about testing software are true for all software, not merely the code that will run in front of customers or the APIs that make things happen. Any software built for a purpose needs to be tested against that purpose, including the software running our test automation.

Peter Walen's picture Peter Walen


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