

Virtual Hudson Build System: The Rest of The Story

The second half of this Hudson-adoption case study sees the team working through some challenges and setbacks. Do they meet their goals? Find out how this virtualization journey ends.

Tony Sweets's picture Tony Sweets
screenshots of the new project in Hudson Virtual Hudson Continuous Build Environments: Out with the Old

A continuous build may be a great idea, but it takes more than a great idea to be successful. In this article, Tony Sweets describes his personal experience with difficult build servers and his organization's move toward a continuous build.

Tony Sweets's picture Tony Sweets
Writing Good Test Cases

We all know writing test cases is an integral part of the testing activity. In order to write good test cases, we must first understand what a test case is and why we need to write test cases. Can’t we live without writing test cases?

Anand Gupta's picture Anand Gupta
Career Paths for Testers Using Personas

A lack of inspiration in the workplace can leave you lost at sea, reaching for any scrap of driftwood. On the other hand, having an effective role model can make you a better-prepared and more successful tester. In this article, Alan Page offers an alternative to real-life role models in the form of tester personas, which can help guide you and your team along the right career path.

Alan Page's picture Alan Page
Fuzzing Through the Side Door

Fuzz testing, or "fuzzing,” is an approach to test automation that attempts to uncover weaknesses in a system using tool-generated data. In this article, Jonathan Kohl recounts how he used this technique on a published web services interface to test “through the side door”—those testable, in-between areas like messaging APIs.

Jonathan Kohl's picture Jonathan Kohl
Software Is Art

We can measure, study, and understand the interactions between software and individual users, but what tools exist to understand the interaction among software creators, the software itself, and millions of users? Chris McMahon says we can't look to computer science, engineering, or manufacturing for tools to understand the experience of a large audience. Instead we should look to the performing arts for help understanding the audience experience.

Chris McMahon's picture Chris McMahon
Agile Coach Performance Management: Measure Yourself as a Coach, Not as a Manager

The desire to control comes through loud and clear in the way most people’s worth is measured by their company’s performance management process. When it comes to performance review time, these controlling phrases crop up anew. Many successful agile coaches have been dismayed to learn that, despite the amazing results their teams produced and despite the new clarity and purpose that pervades the workplace, measuring their contributions still includes phrases such as “Herd the cats.”

Lyssa Adkins's picture Lyssa Adkins
Exploring the Subtle Differences Between Agile Paradigms

In recent years within the object oriented and agile community, several approaches to software design and development have materialized and are in use by professional software developers. Test-Driven Development (TDD), Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Behavior-Driven Design (BDD) and Feature-Driven Design (FDD) are some of the more well known approaches. While these philosophies all imbibe the classic agile principles of an incremental and iterative mindset to software development, they subtly differ from each other.

Nirav Assar's picture Nirav Assar
Transitioning to Agile Testing

Your developers are already working feature-by-feature in iterations, but your testers are stuck with manual tests. How do you make the leap to agile testing when the nature of agile's iterative releases challenges testers to test working segments of a product instead of the complete package? In this column, Johanna Rothman explains that the key challenge resides in bringing the whole team together to work towards the completion of an iteration. Only then will the testers—and the entire team—know how to transition to agile.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Are You Making Progress or Spinning Your Wheels?

While managing a long project, it's easy to lose track of progress. And, when that happens, how do you even know whether you're still making progress? In this article, Johanna Rothman offers suggestions to help you take your project one step at a time and keep it under control.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman


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