

man holding hard hat Testers: Put on Your End-User Hat

The more you know about the end-user, the more effective you will be as a tester. Here are some tips for adding value by thinking like your customer.

Paul Fratellone's picture Paul Fratellone
Agile Leadership for Mid-Managers

Len Whitmore explores how the growth of agile changes the roles, responsibilities, and titles of mid-managers more so than any other management group, because agile practices require more leadership and less of what is considered traditional management techniques.

Len Whitmore
adzic cover Specification by Example: Collaborating on a Scope without High-Level Control

Understanding what the business users are trying to achieve can significantly help you focus the project on things that really matter. In this excerpt from Gojko Adzic's book Specification by Example, the author offers some tips for effectively collaborating on the project scope when you don’t have high-level control of the project.

Gojko Adzic's picture Gojko Adzic
Slides Posted from “Northern Hemisphere Conference Tour”

I spent the most recent four weeks conferencing. I had a blast. Because I kept traveling, I nicknamed this series of conferences my “Northern Hemisphere Conference Tour.” I’ve posted the slides on

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Yak-Shaving and Many Appreciations

I am writing a book about agile program management. I have some portion of the first draft written. I don’t know how much, because I have not had any review. When I write, I can’t tell how much I’ve written until I have my first review. Then I will know how much I have that is good and how much is throw-away. (When I write a book, I have to write enough so my reviewers have enough context to review, but not so much that I’ve gone too far. I find it difficult to know how much to write before review.)

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Don’t Discard Test-Driven Development in the Cloud

Developing software for the cloud can make test-driven development more complicated, but not impossible. Arin Sime offers advice for continuing good development practices in the face of challenges from cloud hosting and distributed computing.

Arin  Sime's picture Arin Sime
Passing the Baton When You Have That New Job

A knowledge transfer session is the least-sought-after activity in a project. The intention is to get rid of your current responsibility and move on, no matter what mess you leave behind. But, while watching a relay race, Rinku Sahay realized how crucial it is to have a successful “pass.”

Rinku Sahay's picture Rinku Sahay
Orders of Magnitude in Test Automation Orders of Magnitude in Test Automation

Mike Kelly explains the following heuristic approach to help ensure your testing is roughly inline based on orders of magnitude across the various types of automation. It’s not a method for measuring effectiveness. Instead it’s simply a “smell” to tell you when you might need to take a little extra time to make sure you’re focusing your automated testing efforts at the right level.

Mike Kelly's picture Mike Kelly
The Wrong End of the Stick

When we don’t understand what the words we use could mean to our customers and business stakeholders, we can trigger misunderstanding or strong emotional reactions that impair working relationships. To be successful, we either need to speak our customers’ language or, when we don’t speak their language, act with conscious intent.

Fiona Charles's picture Fiona Charles
How to Squeeze the Most Out of Your Automated Testing

Jonathan Lindo describes examples of automated test infrastructure utilizing both open source and traditional, independent-software-vendor-sourced software. In addition, he discusses new techniques for extending the value of automated testing by transforming the process from defect finding to defect resolution by reducing the effort required to document, reproduce, and troubleshoot the defects generated from automated tests.

Jonathan Lindo


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