

Celebrating Making the Most of Both Kanban and Lean Startup: Making the Most of Both

Alexei Zheglov reflects on his startup experience and David Anderson’s kanban method in light of Eric Ries’ lean startup movement. Making the most of both approaches requires understanding how they relate to each other.

Alexei Zheglov
A Conversation with Rajini Padmanaban A Conversation with Rajini Padmanaban

Rajini Padmanaban is the director of engagement at QA InfoTech. She will be speaking about crowdsourced software testing at the STAREAST conference in April, so I took this opportunity to learn a bit more about crowdsourced testing and find out why it is better than traditional testing in some projects.

Heather Shanholtzer's picture Heather Shanholtzer
Book Review: I’m Working While They’re Sleeping

Erran Carmel and Alberto Espinosa have written a gem of a book for anyone trying to work in a geographically distributed team: I’m Working While They’re Sleeping: Time Zone Separation Challenges and Solutions.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
An Obvious Bug or a Deliberate Strategy?

What first may appear to be an obvious bug, may not be after all. Closely looking at a recent experience shopping online revealed what first seemed like a bug, but could also have very well been a cleverly placed, well-executed sales strategy.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
Who Is Agile? {Book Review]

Yves Hanoulle has edited a book, called Who Is Agile? I love this book because of all the back-stories, the pictures, and the links. And, oh my goodness, the links.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Integrating Games to Change Behaviors, Part 1

Training people and introducing new ideas requires more than just clear, factual explanations or theorems. Brian Bozzuto explores how games, simulations, and other exercises play an instrumental role in helping people be comfortable enough with new ideas that they choose to put them into practice.

Brian  Bozzuto's picture Brian Bozzuto
Geographically Distributed Agile Teams Have Choices for Their Lifecycles

I hope that by now you see that you have any number of choices for your lifecycle if you are geographically distributed team and you are transitioning to agile. I do recommend a servant leader agile project manager, for coordination and risk management. With people all over the world, it’s difficult to coordinate the project, which leads to more risk.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
2012: The Year of DevOps

Scott Ambler explains how DevOps has grown within the agile community, and why he believes it will become an IT buzzword in 2012. DevOps uses agile's community-based teamwork and offers developers and those in operations a great way to make everyone's job easier.

Scott W. Ambler's picture Scott W. Ambler
flower blooming in snow Changing Seasons: Lessons Learned at Socialtext

As we move from one season to another in life, it’s important to step back, take stock, and gather the lessons that will benefit us in the next season and beyond. In this article, consulting software tester Matthew Heusser reflects on some of the lessons he’s learned.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser
Agile ALM for Delivering Customer Value: Back-end Disciplines

In this second part of a two-part series, Mario Moreira explores the back-end disciplines of a lifecycle that establishes an ALM framework centering on customer value. If your organization has adopted agile and you are looking at building your ALM framework, consider an infrastructure and tooling that will help you establish and build customer value throughout the lifecycle.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira


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