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Developing a Requirements Team[article]

Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. No, they are not a law firm, but the stages of team development proposed by Bruce Tuckman in 1965. I wish I had known about this model much earlier in my career. If you haven't encountered it before and want to help your requirements team, read on.

David Gelperin's picture David Gelperin
A Developer Centric Approach to Automated Functional Testing[article]

Robert details how to increase the quality and scope of your automated test harness by making its development the responsibility of your development team rather than your test team.

Robert Keith
White Paper: Issue Tracking and Project Management with BUGtrack[article]

This paper presented by SkyeyTech, Inc. explains how your company could benefit from utilizing BUGtrack for issue-tracking and project management needs.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Building Better Test Teams[article]

Mustering the best project or test team is key to any project's success. In this column, Johanna Rothman explains her interviewing techniques to help you find the perfect candidate. Find out if your candidates are qualified before they become part of your team. Johanna's methods cover six typical questions that will help you build a better test team.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Towards Curbing Recidivism in Test Case Writing[article]

Standardization of the test case review process can help eliminate recurring writing errors without adding much overhead. The SOCAL model categorizes five different areas of potential accuracy or coverage deficiency, allowing reviewers to place errors into different buckets for later enumeration.

Dave Gass
Keyword-Driven Testing[article]

A curious phenomenon occurring among testers has caught Danny Faught's attention; testers everywhere are independently writing their own keyword-driven testing scripts. But what is keyword-driven testing, and how does it work? Is it better than data-driven testing? In this week's column, Danny reveals the testing method's simple design that has made it popular with many testers and non-testers alike.

Danny R. Faught's picture Danny R. Faught
Tips and Hints for Developing Automated Test Scripts[article]

Jose Fajardo delineates techniques for building more maintainable and robust automated test scripts. The author provides valuable insights for testers working with automated test tools and building a repository of automated test scripts for future testing efforts. A myriad of suggestions for documenting test scripts, debugging test scripts, performing peer-reviews on test scripts, and synchronizing test scripts are offered.

Jose Fajardo
Defect Tracking ... A Must for All IT Projects[article]

In this article Mr. Gunn discusses the need for a defect tracking system for your IT projects and the qualities that make a good defect tracking system.

Mark Gunn
Controlled Flight into the Ground[article]

Perfectly good airplanes will sometimes crash for no apparent reason. The root cause is often pilot error. This is called "controlled flight into the ground." Seemingly well-run projects can also crash and burn. In this week's column, Peter Clark provides some indicators that will help you prevent your projects from falling victim to a controlled flight into the ground.

Peter Clark
Testing your Web Site for Privacy, Quality, and Accesibility[presentation]

Today's business world relies heavily on transactions conducted through the web. Because of this, brand image and how a web site is rendered to customers has become increasingly important.

John Burg, IBM Global Services
Software Test Automation Spring 2003: Mission Made Possible: A Lightweight Test Automation Experience[presentation]

Using a challenging client engagement as a case study, Rex Black shows you how he and a team of test engineers created an integrated, automated unit, component, and integration testing harness, and a lightweight process for using it.

Rex Black, Rex Black Consulting Services, Inc.
Reduce Risk Using Security QA Automation Techniques[presentation]

Security QA testing is still in its infancy, yet the number of vulnerabilities found in applications is increasing-up by 75 percent in 2001 according to Gartner Group.

Alexander Mouldovan, Cenzic Inc
In the Beginning ..Testing Web Services (.NET and Otherwise)[presentation]

A Web service provides an interface for sending and receiving information, but it doesn't have a user interface. Instead, everything is done via requests and methods. So how does one go about testing such interfaces?

Thomas Arnold, Xtend Development, Inc.
Assessing Automated Testing Tools: A "How To" Evaluation Approach[presentation]

You've been assigned the task of evaluating automated testing tools for your organization. Whether it's your first experience or you're looking to make a change, selecting the "best" automated testing tool can be a daunting task.

Dave Kapelanski, Compuware Corporation
Using Test Oracles in Automation[presentation]

Software test automation is often a difficult and complex process. The most familiar aspects of test automation are organizing and running of test cases and capturing and verifying test results.

Douglas Hoffman, Software Quality Methods LLC


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