test techniques


Person writing down rules for software testing in a notebook The Simple Rules of Software Testing

Simple rules are great for guiding us through an overwhelming workload. Sometimes complicated solutions are necessary, but simple rules often outperform complex algorithms, making them more efficient than sophisticated, difficult flows. They can also break down big goals into practical daily guidelines testers can follow to perform more effectively. Let’s see how simple rules can be applied in software testing.

László Szegedi's picture László Szegedi
Person comparing two apples An Automated Approach to Regression Testing

Testing every single thing isn't feasible, so regression testing should be holistic in verification while focused in scope. A good goal is to ensure no regression issue is introduced into a critical business flow. This endeavor can benefit from automation. An automated testing approach specific to reducing regression issues can go a long way toward building a good client relationship and high brand value.

Anubhav Bansal's picture Anubhav Bansal
Person using a screen reader Fitting Accessibility Testing into Agile Development

The concept of accessibility has been around for more than twenty years, yet it’s only recently that more companies have started including it in their development efforts. Developers and testers are recognizing the advantages of incorporating accessibility techniques into their processes. Here are some of these methods specific to agile software development, including a handy checklist.

Albert Gareev's picture Albert Gareev
Person holding magnifying glass up to computer screen to find a bug 6 Ways Testers Can Add Value (Other Than Functional Testing)

Many testers spend their time doing functional testing and don't come out of this cocoon. But software testing is all about discovering quality-related information to assist stakeholders in making informed decisions, and there are multiple ways to discover information in addition to functional testing. Here are six actions that will help you add more value to your projects.

Ajay Balamurugadas's picture Ajay Balamurugadas
Peter Varhol and Gerie Owens What Testers Can Learn from Airline Safety Improvements: An Interview with Peter Varhol and Gerie Owens

Technologist and evangelist Peter Varhol and Gerie Owens, a test architect and certified ScrumMaster, discuss their STARWEST presentation, “What Aircrews Can Teach Testers about Testing.” They talk about how testers can apply airline safety practices to their teams’ delivery of high-quality applications through complementary expertise, collaboration, and decision-making. They also explain how blind deference to authority and automation can be detrimental to a testing team, and how to use everyone’s skills to achieve success.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Michael Bolton Is All Testing Exploratory? A Slack Takeover with Michael Bolton

Thought leaders from the software community are taking over the TechWell Hub for a day to answer questions and engage in conversations. Michael Bolton, a speaker and thought leader in the testing industry, hosted this Slack takeover, which led to discussions about test exploration, tools, and testers as gatekeepers.

Owen Gotimer's picture Owen Gotimer
How do I get back to my career as a software tester?

I worked as a manual tester for 2 years and took a break because I had kids. Now when I apply for jobs, I couldn't get a call back as there is a gap in my career. It’s been 3 years since I worked and I live in UK.

I have taken selenium automation testing course online.And what are the recent technologies/tools that I have to learn so I can improve.

Arti Patel
Survey on testing tools:

Hi everyone,

I am a CS graduate student taking a course on Software Engineering. I would like to eventually do a project on generating test cases from software requirements but first I would like to understand why there aren't more tools doing so.

It would be great to have your response on this!


Any help would be appreciated.




Ketakee Nimavat's picture Ketakee Nimavat
Red octagonal stop sign 3 Testing Practices We Should All Stop

Testing evolves, and it becomes clear that some concepts we’re all used to doing are no longer applicable today. It’s important to periodically take stock of our testing practices and cull the ones that no longer make sense—or are downright harmful. Here are three common testing practices it’s in our best interests to stop doing.

Ajay Balamurugadas's picture Ajay Balamurugadas
Chefs preparing and cooking food Taste-Testing: Cooking Up Good Software

Think about what we do while cooking food to make it the best dish possible. We taste the food first, make necessary adjustments and add a few more ingredients, taste the food again, and repeat until the dish is how we want it. This is just like building a software product. If you don’t taste the food before serving it—or test the software before rolling it out—there will be a risk that the quality isn’t up to your standards.

Arun Kumar Dutta's picture Arun Kumar Dutta


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