Michael Corning

Michael Corning

Michael Corning
Michael Corning's picture
Member For: 
23 years 7 months
Personal Bio: 

Michael Corning is a Software Test Engineer on the Microsoft Server Management Test team. Corning has spent much of the last three years developing an executable software test specification system that enables testers to write test specifications in Word and execute them with a test harness written in C#. Corning is presently extending the system to use model-based testing techniques and tools and is using the system to do model-based testing of part of the Microsoft Operations Manager's user interface. Corning has written widely on technology for MacMillan Publishing, Wrox Press, Pinnacle Publishing, and the Microsoft Developers Network. When not writing or speaking he tries to go sailing. He lives in idyllic Woodinville, Washington, and is happily married to his lovely wife, Katy; is the proud father of three sons; the doting steward of two handsome Labrador retrievers; and the property of three cats.