

People, Processes and Tools: The Three Pillars of Software Development

Every project is dependent upon people, processes, and tools:  they are how the work gets done. These three essential elements are not equal, though, as each has its own strengths and weaknesses.   Each one provides a different value to our projects.


Alan S. Koch
Beware the IDE: The Risks of Standardizing on One IDE

Two topics that are likely to launch a development team into an impassioned discussion are development standards and development environments (IDEs, editors, etc). Combining the two topics into that of standardizing on development environments, is even more likely to spark debate. Decisions about development tools affect the day to day workings of each person on the team as well as the productivity of the team, and as such are important to discuss as a team organizes itself.

A Word with the Wise: Assessment First with David Dang

David Dang, a senior practice manager for Questcon Technologies, explains why you need think about the tool you select. According to Dang, the assessment of the project and its goals should always come first in test automation projects, otherwise, you risk maintainability issues down the road.

Joey McAllister's picture Joey McAllister
A Word with the Wise: Expanding Testing Horizons

In this Sticky ToolLook interview, Danny Faught shares insight onto his earliest days as a tester, the skills he's acquired throughout his career, and skills and tools he believes every tester should posses.

Joey McAllister's picture Joey McAllister
How Audit Trails and Traceability Mitigate Risk

Traceability doesn't prevent errors and an audit trail does little to help me to recover from one. Does this mean they aren't valuable CM tools? On the contrary, audit trails and traceability are two of our most important CM tools for learning how to mitigate risk.

Alan S. Koch
Toolsmiths-Embrace Your Roots

People have been automating software development, testing, and deployment processes since the stone age of software. The toolsmith of today shares a lot in common with these ancestral automation efforts. In this week's column, Danny Faught details how toolsmiths can learn by studying the computer subcultures of the past and present that are similar to their own.

Danny R. Faught's picture Danny R. Faught
Using Process-Enabled SCM Tools to Facilitate the Software Development Lifecycle

When used appropriately, process-enabled SCM tools facilitate iterative team software development in a highly dynamic environment. As SCM practitioners, we should educate and guide our customers, the members of software development teams, to exploit the application lifecycle capabilities of process-enabled SCM tools.

Michael Sayko
The Future of Code Coverage Tools

Modern optimizing compilers  are becoming increasingly dependent on dynamic profile information. Because the profile information collected by these compilers also is sufficient for QA, it is likely that code-coverage analysis will become an integrated development environment option. This integration should help to simplify your code development and testing processes and should also improve the accuracy of your coverage information and the performance of your optimized code.

David  Sehr's picture David Sehr
The Open Source Test Tool Paradigm

Testing is often seen as an effort to determine the quality of the product at the end of a project, so it needs to be executed when development has finished instead of being a means to deal with risks at the earliest stage possible. Therefore, project budget, is in most cases spent on the processes that actually produce tangible products, at the expense of the testing budget. Whatever budget is left for testing will be spent on people rather than on test tools, especially since most of the mainstream tools are often perceived to be too expensive. A solution to this may be found in the use of open source test tools. With no license fees, the use of open source tools can provide a customer some of the benefits of test automation, without the costs.

Reinder Otter's picture Reinder Otter


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