test design

Conference Presentations

Can Your Mobile Infrastructure Survive 1 Million Concurrent Users?

You’re building the next killer mobile app. How do you ensure that your app is both stable and capable of near-instant data updates? Build a backend! But there’s more to building a backend than standing up a SQL server in your datacenter and calling it a day. Since different types of apps...

Melissa Benua and Siva Katir
Building Connected and Disconnected Mobile Applications

Creating a great connected experience across multiple platforms is an essential element of great mobile applications. However, what happens when there is little to no connectivity—such as on an airplane or in some foreign countries? Does your mobile app effortlessly synchronize data when...

James Montemagno
Wearables: Testing the Human Experience

Testing wearables is fundamentally more complex than any other mobile device class. Wearables become extensions of us, so testing should focus on the total experience of the wearer—the emotional, physical and sensory reactions, including our biases and mindsets. It involves testing in the...

Gerie Owen
Gradle for Android Developers

The new build mechanism replacing Ant for Android development is based on Gradle, the popular build tool from the Groovy ecosystem. Ken Kousen introduces you to Gradle for Android developers and shows how easy it is to integrate Gradle into Android projects. We’ll show the latest version...

Ken Kousen
Shift Left Mobile Application Testing

In the past decade, testing efforts have been steadily shifting left—to earlier in the development lifecycle. For web apps, testing and testing automation have been gradually shifting—into development, design, and requirements. The test pyramid recommended by Google and agile experts is...

Satyajit Malugu
Test Infrastructure for Native and Hybrid iOS and Android Applications

How do you create a test infrastructure that allows automated testing of both native and hybrid apps? Ankit Desai and Binod Pant will describe the approach they took to develop a comprehensive test infrastructure. Their aim was to leverage MathWorks’ existing home-grown continuous...

Ankit Desai and Binod Pant
The Internet of Things in Action: Anki’s OVERDRIVE Racing Game

As products like Fitbit, Skylanders, and Anki’s OVERDRIVE race car game pop up all over, developers and testers need to be prepared for the wave of Internet of Things (IoT) products. Focusing on the mobile interactions of these devices and the tools used at Anki, Jane Fraser shows you how...

Jane Fraser
Collocated East Logo Exploratory Testing: Make It Part of Your Test Strategy

Developers often have the unfortunate distinction of not thoroughly testing their code. It’s not that developers do not understand how to test well; it’s just that often they have not had an opportunity to understand how the product works. Kevin Dunne maintains that implementing a...

Kevin Dunne, QA Symphony
Using Crowd Testing for a Game Engine

Testing a PC-based game poses interesting challenges. With different OS platforms and many different GPUs, the number of combinations to test grows quickly. The large number of hardware configurations used by the players of EVE Online makes it impossible to test them all. This can lead...

Björgvin Reynisson, CCP Games
From Formal Test Cases to Session-Based Exploratory Testing

Agile software development is exciting, but what happens when your team is entrenched in older methodologies? Even with support from the organization, it is challenging to lead an organization through the transformation. As you start making smaller, more frequent releases, your...

Ron Smith, Intuit


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