test design


Mobile Testing Sins Five Sins of Mobile Testing

Josh Galde describes key best practices that can be followed in order to develop and produce a successful mobile app that's user friendly and reliable. Simply avoiding the five sins Josh describes can save valuable time, resources, and strain while developing a finished product that's functional and reliable, allowing you to bring your mobile strategy to market with confidence and assurance.

Josh Galde's picture Josh Galde
 Four Solutions Compared How to Test Your Website on Multiple Browsers: Four Solutions Compared

Robbie Bridgewater writes on the difficulty in finding bugs during testing since no single computer can run all of the major browsers—not to mention the added challenge of testing various mobile operating systems. In this article, Robbie compares four possible solutions to this dilemma.

Erle Bridgewater's picture Erle Bridgewater
The Wrong Ratio: How Many Testers Do You Need?

Linda Hayes explains that while there is no meaningful relationship between how many developers you have and how many testers you need, there is an unavoidable correlation between how well your developers test and how much is left to testers. The most reliable way to measure how many testers you need is to treat each project as a unique case.

Linda Hayes's picture Linda Hayes
You Don't Need Superb Technical Skills to Be a Valuable Tester

Testers who question their own technical ability have more to contribute to technical tasks than they realize because such tasks often don’t require as much technical ability as they think. Bonnie Bailey explains that growth comes through trial and error and plenty of reorienting around dead ends.

Bonnie Bailey's picture Bonnie Bailey
Open Source Automated Testing Ecosystem Time to Think about an Open Source Automated Testing Ecosystem

In our modern world of software development, software testing is increasing in importance as well as complexity. Today’s multitude of desktop and mobile operating systems, browsers, and devices, while on one hand, offer a great set of options for the end-user, also make it challenging for testers to ensure application and device compatibility.

Mukesh Sharma's picture Mukesh Sharma
The One That Got Away

Many testers have been involved in post-ship decisions about bugs that “got away” – bugs that escaped testing and found their way into customer’s hands. Often, these post-mortem discussions end up with finger pointing and threats, but with the right focus, these discussions are a wonderful opportunity for learning and growth.

Alan Page's picture Alan Page
The Value of Really Dumb Tests

When you start writing unit tests, the tests that seem useful might be too involved to give a quick payback. The ones you write quickly might seem too trivial to add value. By starting with small, seemingly simple tests, you can both overcome the inertia that stops you from testing and add value to your project.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
Getting to Know Conformiq CEO Antti Huima

Antti Huima is president and CEO of Conformiq. In this interview, he discusses what brought him to where he is now, his company's strategy, and his current interests.

Suzanne Douglas
Agile Performance Testing

Approaching performance testing with a rigid plan and narrow specialization often leads to testers' missing performance problems or to prolonged performance troubleshooting. By making the process more agile, the efficiency of performance testing increases significantly—and that extra effort usually pays off multi-fold, even before the end of performance testing.

Alexander Podelko
Automated UI Tests Test Case Design for Automated UI Tests

In this article, Chris McMahon offers an approach to implementing automated tests at the user interface level in a way that is visually simple and should save a lot of work when analyzing and maintaining tests down the road.

Chris McMahon's picture Chris McMahon


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