Test Design

Better Software Magazine Articles

Why Do Defects Escape?

What happens when defects go unnoticed until it is too late? Mayank provides an insightful view of the true cost of not providing enough test coverage during a software development lifecycle. He also suggests some techniques to ensure that defects are identified and mitigated early.

Mayank Sharma's picture Mayank Sharma
You Can't Be Agile without Automated Unit Testing

Agile projects assume that test planning, test creation, and test execution take place throughout a project's lifecycle. So the need for unit testing (and especially automated unit testing) can't be ignored and should be considered as a key responsibility of the entire team—not just the software developers.

Gil Zilberfeld's picture Gil Zilberfeld
Usability Testing with "CAN I USE THIS?"

David introduces a unique approach for application usability testing. Each letter of the memorable "CAN I USE THIS?" will assist with test idea generation.

David Greenlees's picture David Greenlees
Lessons Learned from Ancient Wisdom: A Software Review Story

Lessons learned long ago from reviews and inspection can be effective today, particularly in collaboration within agile teams. Learn how an organization used review techniques as part of its agile collaboration, including the advantages and potential problems of this ancient wisdom.

Dorothy Graham's picture Dorothy Graham Robert Sabourin
Simplicity and Precision: Test Planning in Agile Projects

Test planning is often thought unnecessary in an agile project. However, if our mindset is on "planning" rather than "plans," we see that test-planning activities happen throughout the project, taking advantage of levels of precision, i.e., what is absolutely necessary at each level.

Janet Gregory's picture Janet Gregory
Software Testing Is a Game

Skilled testing—an important part of creating valuable technology—is under attack. We need to rethink the problem, analyze why people resist testing, and create approaches to make it more engaging. Gamification provides one model to help us improve our approach.

Jonathan Kohl's picture Jonathan Kohl
Which Visual Models Do You Recommend for Test Design?

In this installment of FAQ, SQE Trainer Rob Sabourin answers one of the questions students ask him most often.

Robert Sabourin's picture Robert Sabourin
No One Left Behind: Make Time for Accessibility Testing

Ten percent of the world's population lives with some sort of disability. So, is your software product optimized accessible to these people? Rajini Padmanaban takes a look at the different types of disabilities out there and the ways to ensure your product works well with as many of these needs as possible.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture Rajini Padmanaban
A Sticky Situation: Low-Tech Test Tools to the Rescue

The testing craft is sometimes fascinated with high-tech, expensive tools that are intended to help managers keep up to date on what's going on. Yet, sometimes heavyweight tools aren't necessary. Michael Bolton describes how Paul Holland, a senior test manager, uses a decidedly low-tech approach to track and illustrate the testing story.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
Learning For Agile Testers, Part 2

In part one of our Learning for Agile Testers series, we addressed general "thinking" skills that go beyond technical competence and how learning these enhances the value you contribute. In part two, we discuss some specific technical skills that benefit testers and how to acquire them.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin Janet Gregory


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