

Feature Injection: Part Two

The tag-line for Feature Injection is "As we pull value from a system, we inject features." So before we can start, we need to identify the business value. But how do we do that? This edition also expands on the 20/20 vision conference concept.

My Experience with Test-Driven Development

Vinay Krishna explains why agile development includes testing and coding concurrently, which is also what test-driven development emphasizes. The transformation from coder to developer to tester is needed in all agile software development projects.

Vinay Krishna
Help Technical Support Help Themselves

This article discusses how testing teams can improve their test coverage and better communicate with technical support to uncover issues earlier than during product implementation. This kind of collaborative work can stop most defects from getting into production.

Ipsita Chatterjee
How to Survive a Software Rewrite

Beware of the hidden sirens in your rewrite project. They will sing the words you want to hear--that the project is easy to complete. Don't be fooled: Sirens are mythological, but the lure of rewrite projects can be quite real. Rewrite may seem a simple task, but it isn't until you're deep into it that you'll start to realize the true nature of the project. In this article, James Shore offers some words of wisdom (and warning) to help guide your rewrite project in the right direction.

James Shore
Feature Injection: Part One

We are leaving the "last responsible moment" for a while. This month we start a discussion of Feature Injection, an analysis process based on real options and Kolb's circle of learning. The first episode ( of five ) introduces the "Information Arrival Processes.

StickyMinds Editorial's picture StickyMinds Editorial
Refactoring Doesn’t Mean Rewrite

Peter Schuh writes that it is not a good thing that the use of the term refactoring has grown so common, which makes him cringe every time he hears a business person say the word. Refactoring is meant to be one skill of many that is second-nature to a journeyman programmer.

Peter Schuh
The Definition of "Done" in Software Development

Getting all of the necessary people together to define what "done" means in a software development project will be difficult. Facilitating such a task will probably be a challenge, but there is nothing like working in an organization that works like a well-oiled machine, where everyone knows what is expected of him or her and just naturally does it.

Alan S. Koch
Software Development : How Good It Can Be

This article is dedicated to telling you how good developing software can be. Austin Hastings describes many software development practices working together, some of which you don't have. If you like an idea you see here, implement it. After your first implementation steps, you can return here to find yet another idea to implement.

Austin Hastings
Structure Marking

Structure marking is a programming technique that defends data against damage, especially from software bugs. It adds flags to data structures and checks them at each use to detect damaged data immediately.

Tom Van Vleck
Best Practices from Integrated Test and Development Teams

Team building sessions: few like to attend those things. Yet, the benefits of teamwork are constantly praised and rewarded. Even this article praises teamwork, but does not suggest any touchy-feely exercises to bring test and development teammates closer together. Deborah Kablotsky specifically covers understanding each other and working together throughout a project's lifecycle, a proven way of working together to shorten test cycles and deliver high quality products on time. She also discusses the necessity of integrated teams and provides some proven tips successful to Web-based businesses on making this best practice a reality.

Deborah Kablotsky's picture Deborah Kablotsky


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