personal improvement


New Skills for Software Testers and Software QA Engineers: 2013 … and Beyond!

Let's take a look into the future—all the way to the year 2013! As a software tester or software quality engineer, are you planning to learn a new skill in the new year. If you are, make sure you approach it in a way that will make that skill stick.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser
To Get Certification or Not to Get Certification—That Is the Question

There are many reasons for getting a certification, including professional advancement and promotion, pay raises, and recognition that you are at a certain level in your career, but there are still some factors you need to to consider before you take the plunge.

Joe Townsend's picture Joe Townsend
The Independent Double-Check

When someone gives us a piece of code to test, they are telling us, either implicitly or explicitly, "This code works correctly." If we accept this assertion without verifying it for ourselves, we have failed as testers. While it seems unlikely that we would ever let such an assertion go unchallenged, it is easier to do than one might think.

Rick Scott's picture Rick Scott
Doyouspeaktoofast? (Do You Speak Too Fast)

You may have a lot you need to say in a very short timeframe, but speak too quickly and those listening may not get the full message and they could end up missing out on crucial information. Make sure that the individuals you're speaking to can understand you clearly, or face the consequences.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
Dependable vs. Irreplaceable

We all like being in demand, feeling wanted, and being dependable. But, we forget that there is a thin line between being dependable and irreplaceable. The result is not only a loss of credibility but also a loss of opportunities

Rinku Sahay's picture Rinku Sahay
How to Strengthen Relationships

Conflict in the workplace is likely to last longer, be more intense, and be more difficult to resolve if the people in conflict barely know each other. In this column, Naomi Karten describes how to strengthen relationships and reduce conflict by helping people get to know each other better.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
The Blame Game

No one likes to be blamed, so why do we blame each other in the first place? What place does it have in our relationships, and how does it affect our problem-solving abilities? Esther Derby uses a personal experience with customer disservice to highlight our attraction to assigning blame and how it delays us from reaching solutions.

Esther Derby's picture Esther Derby
More Choices Aren't Always Better

Providing only one way to do something may cause your colleagues, code readers, or API users to disagree with your choices. On the other hand, it prevents decision paralysis, which can be much worse than a disagreement.

Daniel Wellman's picture Daniel Wellman
TO-DO Comments are not a Tool for Excuses

TO-DO Comments are not a Tool for Excuses…which is not to say that I think TO-DOs are bad; I think they are a useful tool for short-term reminders.

Daniel Wellman's picture Daniel Wellman
Oh, Those Pesky Coworkers!

When a coworker rubs you the wrong way or gets on your nerves, what can you do? It's tempting to slap a label on the other person and hope he changes. But what if the person isn't difficult, just different? In this column, Esther Derby shares her thoughts on the invisible boundaries of appropriate behavior.

Esther Derby's picture Esther Derby


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