
Looking for Bugs When Looking for Bugs, Look beyond the Software

A tester's job is to provide information about elements of the system that might make a user unhappy. But Jon Hagar finds that many testers implement limited tours, even when they have robust programs. He writes that when looking for bugs, testers need to look beyond the software to the system and the user scenarios, too.

Jon Hagar's picture Jon Hagar
Quality Engineering Lessons I Go Back: Valuable Lessons in Quality Engineering

Terry Wiegmann noticed that in certain conversations with clients and team members, a single phrase can take her back to some “aha” moments when she grasped fundamental quality concepts. She shares some of these major learning moments throughout her career and how they can apply to quality engineering.

Terry Wiegmann's picture Terry Wiegmann
Agile Cycle New Ideas for Effective Localization Testing Practices in an Agile Cycle

While practices in localization testing have been suggested for every environment, it is becoming even more important to have such practices for an agile localization test effort. This is a list of ideas to help ensure on-time, on-cost product releases, synchronized efforts for releases in all languages, and good collaboration among team members.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture Rajini Padmanaban
Better End Products Why Prototyping First Leads to Better End Products

Even with pages of documentation, there still can be miscommunication and misguided assumptions about a product. A prototype serves as the vision for the product and helps everyone, from a salesperson to an engineer, understand what they are trying to achieve. This article looks at some of the benefits of prototyping early in the development process.

Jessica Hall's picture Jessica Hall
Spiral of an Organization Avoiding the Organizational Death Spiral

The death spiral supersedes the death march in that the death march is a singular event, whereas the death spiral is systemic. It is the result of organizational dysfunction where teams march toward deadline after deadline without reflecting on or questioning if there is a better way to deliver software. There is! Take these positive steps.

Thomas Wessel's picture Thomas Wessel
Continuous Delivery in Apps Database Continuous Delivery Meets Your Application

Continuous delivery meshes well with agile development: Both facilitate the need to move quicker and deal with ever-changing requirements, delivering the best quality possible but usually with not enough resources. Agility is what is expected from technology companies and IT divisions. So, what does it take to have continuous delivery in your database?

Uri  Margalit's picture Uri Margalit
Software Data Analytics How to Incorporate Data Analytics into Your Software Process

Big data isn’t just a buzzword; it lives in your software. With millions of possibilities to leverage analytics, how do you pick what’s right for your organization? Robert Cross provides some insight into how to start incorporating data analytics into your software process and management plan.

Rob Cross's picture Rob Cross
Development DNA The Evolution of z/OS Development

Kristin Cowhey explains how z/OS development has evolved throughout the years and what that means for developers and tech personnel. With legacy developers leaving the workforce, there’s a dire need to replace the knowledge in order to maintain the mainframe systems and applications that are still in use today. 

Kristin Cowhey's picture Kristin Cowhey
Managing Component Dependencies Managing Component Dependencies

Bob Aiello explains that software engineers and architects do an amazing job designing a system’s architecture that fully represents all of the parts of the system that are created during the development lifecycle. However, one of the biggest challenges is understanding how each part of the system depends upon the others.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Using Containers for Continuous Deployment Using Containers for Continuous Deployment

Pini Reznik explains how containers can help shorten the software development feedback loop by drastically reducing the overhead involved in deploying new software environments. This leads to faster build and test executions and simplifies the standardization of the development and production environments, allowing for an easier transition to continuous deployment.

Pini Reznik's picture Pini Reznik


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