Conference Presentations

Estimating in the Web World

Discover the techniques used by estimators to overcome the challenges they are confronted with in attempting to estimate totally new development environments in the Web/e-commerce world. Typical challenges include how to scope functionality, assess realistic developer efficiency, and tailor the lifecycle processes. Learn how to use these techniques to estimate new project environments and effectively communicate the results of your analysis. Case studies will be provided to illustrate the techniques and their practical application.

Lawrence Putnam, Jr., QSM, Inc.
How to Preview User Satisfaction before Your Release

Why wait to discover how your users will react to your system when there are ways to measure such things during development? This column describes a simple tool to develop visibility into customer satisfaction. Learn how you can begin to manage expectations so that neither you nor the customer has an unpleasant surprise on release day.

Esther Derby's picture Esther Derby
Comparative Defect Removal Costs Calculating the Economics of Software Inspections

Without return on investment (ROI) calculations for the software inspections process, you cannot know the true benefit of those inspections. In this article, Ed Weller makes some assumptions about the cost of inspections and tries to estimate the savings from reduced test cost. He also provides a spreadsheet for doing "what-if" analysis of different savings based on inspection effectiveness, and how much defect removal in test might cost.

Ed Weller's picture Ed Weller
How Did I Get So Jaded?

Churning out medium-grade software to meet deadlines, and experiencing critically defective projects over the years, can easily wear down optimism till it gives way to cynicism in the software testing and quality professions. In this column, Eileen Strider empathizes with that tendency and offers ideas that may improve the quality of your experience.

Eileen Strider
Software Development Lifecycle: Defect and Test Case Measurement

This article focuses on how to manage the defect and test case measurement during the software development lifecycle. This should be a practical resource for software developers and project managers.

Steve Miller


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