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Lalit is currently working with XING SE, Germany as a Senior Software Test Engineer. He is the Co-Founder and Chief Editor of the most popular software testing magazine "Tea-time with Testers". He is an international keynote speaker and regularly speaks at software quality conferences. Lalit is also a co-creator of the State of Testing project which has been running from the last six years. His specialties are his test consulting skills, helping teams with a whole team approach for quality, test management, teaching testing and providing testing related consultation to project teams.
Lalit has been working as Lead Instructor for the BBST Foundations course with Association for Software Testing and he has also conducted Rapid Software Testing full-day training at his workplace. Once in a while, Lalit conducts public workshops on Exploratory Testing to enable testers to do "more with less". Setting up and running Testing CoPs (Community of Practice) and establishing an intellectual testing culture in the organization is one of his niche skills.
Through his magazine, Tea-time with Testers, Lalit has been active in his mission of improving the state of software testing. He does it by collaborating with leading authors, thought leaders and expert practitioners and also by volunteering his time to help fellow testers by writing a blog and providing coaching on software testing. His dedication to the advancement of software testing has become his hobby due to the enjoyment and satisfaction he gains from his efforts.