version control
Testing a Software Rewrite Suppose we’re looking at a system rewrite where the stakeholders have none of the original engineering documentation. (This isn't surprising; documentation becomes obsolete—or even misleading—as the system changes, and corresponding docs don't get updated.) What can we do? Here are some tactics to use—and risks to anticipate—when testing a system rewrite.
Database Continuous Delivery Meets Your Application Continuous delivery meshes well with agile development: Both facilitate the need to move quicker and deal with ever-changing requirements, delivering the best quality possible but usually with not enough resources. Agility is what is expected from technology companies and IT divisions. So, what does it take to have continuous delivery in your database?
Creating a Lean Six Sigma Pull System Lean Six Sigma is a leadership methodology that significantly improves process quality, speed, costs, and agility. One of the concepts applied is called a pull system, and in this article Steven Bonacorsi explains how to design one for your process. Doing so will help you to stabilize a process flow into a predictable work control system.
The Amazing Benefits of Integrated ALM Tools For years, developers have struggled with using individual lifecycle management tools, but no longer! Joe Farah walks you through a history and benefits of an integration of ALM tools that every team should seriously consider.
The Next Stop in Test Automation: Test Environment Setup To achieve the most effective test automation, you need to go beyond automated test case creation and implement automated environment setup. In tracking the testing time spent over several projects, the Clustering group Amit Mathur worked with found that more staff time was being spent on setup than on actual testing. He discusses and demonstrates the Environment Configuration System (ECS) his group developed to automatically set up test environments and trigger automated test execution. Find out how ECS has dramatically improved the ability to automate many more manual tests. ECS employs a scripting language (Perl) and libraries for environment setup and test cases. Based on interface specifications and dependency rules, ECS bundles environment setups and test cases for complex test scenarios. Learn how you can adapt the ECS approach for your applications and environment.
Amit Mathur, VERITAS Software Corporation
Testing Inside the Box These days, we hear a lot about unit testing, testing for programmers, test-first programming, and the like. Design techniques for such tests and for improving system testing are often called white box test designs. Join Rex Black as he explains the basics of white box testing and compares
white box with other types of testing. Find out how the metaphor of "boxes" can inform-and confuse-us. Rex discusses the basis path tests, including cyclomatic number as a measure of complexity and a way to determine the number of tests necessary to cover all paths. He walks
Rex Black, Rex Black Consulting
Testing Web Services Interoperability If your development organization is developing Web services because you want independence across languages and platforms, you'll need to undertake serious interoperability testing. John Scarborough explains the problem by creating a matrix of interoperability issues and explores possible testing strategies you might use. He also takes a sober look at what we may not be able to tackle with existing testing technology. Find out about SOAP monitoring and other approaches to interoperability testing. Take away a new understanding of how the desire for interoperability can open up opportunities for hackers and the likelihood of security breaches.
- The matrix for interoperability testing of Web services
- Web services testing experiences from both small and large companies
- The need for designing interoperability testing into the software from the beginning
John Scarborough, Disha Technologies Inc.
The Awful Truth About Logic-Testing This presentation covers conditions and expressions; truth tables; normal form patterns; modified condition/decision coverage; constructing an MC/DC test set; tools for checking MC/DC coverage; unique cause coverage; basic unique cause design; and logic coverage references.
Dave Gelperin, Software Quality Engineering
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