

Drive Your Testing Coverage Using Business Decisions to Drive Your Testing Coverage

In a business setting, software testers have a great challenge: to articulate how they support the business lines. One way to approach this is by addressing the business decisions—and there are plenty around. Use them to drive your testing activities and increase the business decisions being covered by testing.

Jesper Ottosen's picture Jesper Ottosen
Death Star Testing The Star Wars Death Star—from a Tester’s Perspective

In the movie Star Wars: Episode IV—A New Hope, the Death Star was designed to be the perfect weapon, with enough firepower to destroy a thousand star systems. Yet a small, ragtag group was able to blow it up. If only Emperor Palpatine had consulted with testers, all of the Death Star’s vulnerabilities could have been found and addressed!

Michael Mak's picture Michael Mak
Code Coverage Is Code Coverage a Silver Bullet?

While code coverage is a good number to look at in terms of reach achieved in a testing cycle, is it foolproof? Is this metric a silver bullet for understanding the team’s coverage and vouching for testing scope? In short, no. But it is a vital step on the way to solving your testing coverage issues.

Mukesh Sharma's picture Mukesh Sharma
Testers in an Agile Environment The Role of Testers in an Agile Environment

There are many diverse ideas about what being a tester means in agile development environments. This leads to confusion between how agile testers and agile QA “fit” into agile teams and what the QA tester responsibilities are. John Stevenson explains why there appears to be some fear and a little distrust of agile environments among some testers, then offers suggestions for dealing with their confusion.

John Stevenson's picture John Stevenson
Risk Identification Awareness of Risk Identification in Software Testing

When testing software, most of us identify risk seemingly effortlessly. But do we really understand the process we’ve undertaken? Do we know what methods we’ve called upon? Are we aware of how we’re identifying risks? And therefore, are we identifying all the important risks? David Greenlees uses models to assess these questions.

David Greenlees's picture David Greenlees
World for Software Testers A Dystopian World for Software Testers

You've entered the Twilight Zone. A robot that uses the cloud and massive amounts of big data can completely test software programs while detecting all bugs, rendering testers obsolete. But wait—the robot in this dystopian tale isn't utilizing special abilities only it can possess; these are methods any skilled tester should be employing right now.

Jon Hagar's picture Jon Hagar
Exploratory Testing Thoughts about Scripted and Exploratory Testing

Scripted and exploratory testing can be seen as opposites, and it’s true that they approach testing from different angles. But they can also support each other. It is more important to think about what we will achieve with certain levels of scripting or exploration. Ask yourself: What is controlling you when you perform a test?

Aleksis Tulonen's picture Aleksis Tulonen
Removing Test from Automation Removing the Word “Test” from Test Automation

It's not uncommon for organizations to use automation on a few projects and then realize automation is a lot of work. They want to get more out of the automation tool investment but with less development cost. By removing the word test from test automation, you liberate yourself to use the automation tool set in new and innovative ways.

Greg Paskal's picture Greg Paskal
Better Testing Tips Imagine an Ocean Between You: Tips for Better Testing

Is the best way to interact with your team in person, with your teammates right next to you? Not necessarily. By working online with remote programmers and testers, people tend to approach problems from some unique perspectives. Read on to learn how imagining an ocean between you and your teammates can actually improve your communication and process.

Michael Larsen's picture Michael Larsen
Spiral of an Organization Avoiding the Organizational Death Spiral

The death spiral supersedes the death march in that the death march is a singular event, whereas the death spiral is systemic. It is the result of organizational dysfunction where teams march toward deadline after deadline without reflecting on or questioning if there is a better way to deliver software. There is! Take these positive steps.

Thomas Wessel's picture Thomas Wessel


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