

Bart Knaack discusses the Test Lab at STAREAST 2015 STAREAST 2015 Interview with Bart Knaack and Paul Carvalho from the Test Lab

In this interview, Bart Knaack and Paul Carvalho discuss the tester's sandbox known as the The Test Lab. They explain how and why they're doing real testing at a conference about testing, and share some of their results.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Bryan Linder discusses release automation STAREAST 2015 Interview with Bryan Linder on Continuous Delivery

In this interview, Bryan Linder defines the methodology, processes, and tools associated with release automation, outlines the benefits of more frequent, smaller releases, and talks about his overall experience at STAREAST.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Dorothy Graham discusses software test automation challenges How to Avoid Mistakes in Test Automation: An Interview with Dorothy Graham

In this interview, Dorothy Graham, a software test consultant and speaker at STAREAST, covers her upcoming keynote. She goes into detail about the differences between manual and automated testing, as well as explains some of the key blunders testers often run into. 

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Jeffery Payne discusses mobile application testing Balancing Mobile Application Quality through Proper Testing: An Interview with Jeff Payne

In this interview, Coveros CEO and founder, Jeff Payne, discusses mobile application quality. The Mobile Dev+Test speaker explains how much the advent of mobile devices has changed the development game, including both benefits and challenges he's experienced. 

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Troy Miles discusses cross -platform mobile application development Building Cross-Platform Mobile Apps: An Interview with Troy Miles

In this interview, senior software engineer Troy Miles talks about cross-platform mobile application development. He discusses the benefits of PhoneGap, as well as tips for how to keep code both clean and full-bodied.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Mike Benkovich discusses building Windows apps Building Universal Apps for the Windows Platform: An Interview with Mike Benkovich

In this interview, Mike Benkovich, the founder of Imagine Technologies, digs into his upcoming tutorial at the Mobile Dev + Test Conference, Building Universal Apps for the Windows Platform. He covers the advantages of the Windows platform, as well as the process of making an app universal.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Chris Beauchamp discusses wearables and IoT devices Using Apps to Help Users Experience Wearables and IoT Devices: An Interview with Chris Beauchamp

In this interview, Chris Beauchamp of Crittercism talks about his upcoming presentation at the Mobile Dev + Test conference, the importance of real-time transmitting for wearable devices, the almighty blend of functional and attractive design, and how to monetize your app correctly.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Mike Sparks discusses the reality of open source tools A Deep Dive into Open Source Tools and Tellurium: An Interview with Mike Sparks

In this interivew, Mike Sparks, the CEO of Tellurium, does a deep dive into open source tools. He tackles why so many people assume these products are free, how non-developers can use these tools, and where he sees the industry going in the very near future. 

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Andy Berner discusses agile project planning and backlog grooming The Importance of Grooming the Backlog: An Interview with Andy Berner

In this interview, Andy Berner of QSM talks about his upcoming presentation, the importance of keeping a well-groomed backlog, the pitfalls of the impossible zone, and why it's vital that you and your team keep your tools serving you and not the other way around. 

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture Cameron Philipp-Edmonds
Dave Cotter discusses mobile software development Head Tracking, 3D, and the Birth of Firefly: An Interview with Dave Cotter

In this interview, SquareHub cofounder and CEO Dave Cotter talks about his rich experience in the tech industry, the uses of 3D and head tracking in modern mobile software, and the implications that Amazon’s Firefly might have on microtransactions.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin


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