

Question Mark Cucumber for BDD—How Effective Is It?

Whether to use Cucumber and BDD (Behavior Driven Development) is an old topic and a lot has been shared regarding this already. However I believe many times it’s just the high level technical reasons that make it to the forefront of the argument on how effective it is, and I want to address the topic from a holistic point of view and not just technical.

Akash Bhatia's picture Akash Bhatia
Smartphone showing the word "ERROR" False Errors in Test Tooling

Traditional GUI automation is linear; it follows a set of steps. The first time you run it, it can't add any value, as the feature isn't done until the automation runs. Once test automation runs a second time, it effectively becomes change detection. This leads to a large number of "failures" that are not actually failures. Whether they are false positives or false negatives, we need a way to fix the automation tooling.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser
Breaking through a fence to see cars speeding on a road Enterprise Test Automation: 4 Ways to Break Through the Top Barriers

How can mature companies with complex systems achieve the level of test automation that modern delivery schedules and processes demand? There are four strategies that have helped many organizations finally break through the test automation barrier: Simplify automation across the technology stack, end the test maintenance nightmare, shift to API testing, and choose the right tools for your needs.

Wolfgang Platz's picture Wolfgang Platz
Person holding a dollar bill The Hidden Costs of Automation

While automation can help you save time and money in your testing activities, there are a few hidden costs that many teams overlook. Aspects that don't have a price tag initially—such as what it will take to learn, adopt, and maintain a new automation tool—will end up costing you in the long run. Think through these considerations and answer some questions before jumping into your automation initiative.

Ajay Balamurugadas's picture Ajay Balamurugadas
Car dashboard with various meters and dials 5 Key Elements for Designing a Successful Dashboard

When you’re designing a dashboard to track and display metrics, it is important to consider the needs and expectations of the users of the dashboard and the information that is available. There are several aspects to consider when creating a new dashboard in order to make it a useful tool. For a mnemonic device to help you easily remember the qualities that make a good dashboard, just remember the acronym “VITAL.”

Nels Hoenig's picture Nels Hoenig
Person holding sparkler with New Year's fireworks in the background Top 10 StickyMinds Articles of 2019

Teams everywhere are looking to speed up testing without sacrificing quality, so once again, some of the top articles last year were about continuous integration, machine learning, and—of course—how to best implement and use test automation. But readers were also interested in what they shouldn't be doing, with two high-ranking articles about test practices we should stop and a tool you may be misusing.

Beth Romanik's picture Beth Romanik
Person playing chess Separating Automation Tooling from Automation Strategy

When people do not have good luck with automation, it is hardly ever because of the tool being used, but almost always because of the wrong automation strategy, wrong expectations, and wrong adoption of automation. Automation tools only answer the “how” of automation, while having an automation strategy gives answers to who, where, when, what, and why. Here's why it's so important to have a test automation strategy.

Akash Bhatia's picture Akash Bhatia
Selenium test tool logo Sponsored Article: Enhancing Your Selenium Testing

Selenium has widespread adoption as a test automation tool, but it comes with some challenges. We talked to some experts in the test automation industry about Selenium’s reign as the tool of choice for UI testing, whether that crown is warranted, and what they think is important for teams to focus on when it comes to their test automation efforts. Then, Parasoft talks about how teams can solve UI testing challenges and make Selenium more maintainable with its new product, Parasoft Selenic.

Beth Romanik's picture Beth Romanik
Individual blocks stacked up JUnit vs. TestNG: Choosing a Framework for Unit Testing

There are multiple frameworks available for unit testing, and for any type of programming language. For Java developers, JUnit and TestNG are the most widely used. These frameworks are siblings and have the same test roots, and the debate over which is better is complex. Let’s look at how these two testing frameworks are different from each other, and which framework is better suited for your unit testing.

Junaid Ahmed's picture Junaid Ahmed
Human eye Using Computer Vision to Reduce Test Automation Blind Spots

The standard test automation toolkit easily completes web and mobile automation, but it fails to detect elements on desktop and mobile content-based applications. Computer vision (CV) replicates the human eye using deep learning technology and can determine objects in pictures, which helps machines orient in space and perform repetitive detection tasks. Let's see how CV can help automate the testing of a much wider software product list.

Maxim Chernyak's picture Maxim Chernyak


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