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How to Plan the Perfect 'T' Party

Software professionals have long engaged in debate over software development processes. Much has been written about how to improve those processes-resulting in better-quality, faster-to-market products. Often neglected are the people who implement the processes. Developers and testers frequently seem to have adversarial relationships, although they share the same goal: high-quality software. No matter how good they are, the processes are unlikely to succeed if the participants fail to get along.

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Implementing a Software Testing Methodology

Many of us are taking part or will take part in the process of implementing a software testing methodology or process at our organization. The size of the organization notwithstanding, the success of this type of implementation depends largely on management and enterprise support. U.S. Bancorp, Minneapolis, MN, is currently involved in implementing a new software testing methodology throughout the enterprise. My role, as the methodology project lead, is to help existing testing groups conceptualize how the methodology should be applied to their existing work. This effort is accomplished through both training and hands-on mentoring. There are valuable lessons that I have learned about choosing a testing methodology and the training efforts that follow such an endeavor. I would like to share them with you.

Erin Pierce
Running Down Assumptions

Do you think the assumptions you make about your software project are important? I do. One of the biggest sources of software project failure is hidden assumptions, especially about your requirements. These assumptions have a way of coming out of the woodwork–usually at the worst possible moment–to foil your projects. But there are ways to track down and expose assumptions.

Brian Lawrence
Shhhhhh! You Can't Say That!

Treating symptoms instead of the root cause of symptoms is a mistake that dates back millennia (just ask Socrates). The current-day workplace is no different. In Johanna Rothman's column, we get a glimpse at what happens when a company doesn't value its people.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
The Science and Art of Web Site Load Testing

Web site load testing is very different from traditional load testing and requires new tools and new approaches. Most Web site load tests are wildly inaccurate and unrealistic and consequently useless or dangerously misleading. Useful load testing requires loading a Web site with different scenarios, at different load points, and monitoring all the key components. Approach Web site load testing as 80% science and 20% art.

Alberto Savoia
The Indispensable Test Team

Quite often in the world of software engineering, testers and Quality Assurance (QA) managers find themselves to be the "last hired" and the "first fired." In some IT shops, QA does not exist at all. In spite of this, recent years have brought major breakthroughs in the areas of software testing and quality assurance.

Terrye Ashby
Relentless Application Development

Relentless Application Development is our term for continuous, rapid development and deployment of mission critical applications in highly changeable environments.

Time sensitive development; Rapidly evolving new technology and methods; Computing technology is changing very rapidly, giving more power for less money.

Taking the Heat

When testers are left with a mess on their hands, what should they do? When this column appeared during StickyMinds' first month, October 2000, it provoked several reader comments. In it, Bret Pettichord asks the question: "Is it the tester's fate to 'work the clean up crew?'"

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Weighted Stability Index (WSI) Metric Model

Methods, such as McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity, have proven that complexity is a reliable predictor of defects. Although several methods exist to measure current system complexity, by using the Weighted Stability Index (WSI) Metric Model the potential impact of design changes can be weighted and measured. This provides a method to judge and plan for the potential stability impact from system changes.

Mike Libassi
The Living Creature - Testing Web Applications

What do we mean by "Web Application"? There is an incredible range of sophistication in web applications from a simple company web site with "brochure ware" to sites like Yahoo or Amazon with complex search engines and order fulfillment. One way to look at the web application architecture is to take the model of a traditional business transaction application and to replace the user front end by the web site. A Customer acquires goods and/or services from your company, in exchange for money. There are mechanisms in place to facilitate that transaction between client and company. Instead of a sales rep, a clerk, a cashier, or such person, you have a browser pointing at a web site. The company is never closed! Customers can serve themselves.

Andrea MacIntosh


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