

Testing code Hybrid Verification: Mixing Formal Methods and Testing

The ability to verify contracts either statically or dynamically, coupled with recent advances in proof technology, has opened up a new and promising approach to verification. Critical code can be proved with formal methods, and less critical code can be verified using traditional testing, with a clear separation at the interfaces between the two.

Ben Brosgol's picture Ben Brosgol
An Uncomfortable Truth about Agile Testing

One characteristic of agile development is continuous involvement from testers throughout the process. Testers have a hard and busy job. Jeff has finally starting to understand why testing in agile development is fundamentally different.

Jeff Patton's picture Jeff Patton

Better Software Magazine Articles

Automating Requirements Traceability

Developing software to meet users' specific needs can be a difficult task. Verification and validation activities can help ensure that you are building the right software right.

Bill Councill

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