
Measurement Choosing the Right Testing Metrics

Testing always looks to provide more information in order to have less uncertainty and better control over risk, but that information has to be analyzed carefully.


Federico Toledo's picture Federico Toledo
Car dashboard with various meters and dials 5 Key Elements for Designing a Successful Dashboard

When you’re designing a dashboard to track and display metrics, it is important to consider the needs and expectations of the users of the dashboard and the information that is available. There are several aspects to consider when creating a new dashboard in order to make it a useful tool. For a mnemonic device to help you easily remember the qualities that make a good dashboard, just remember the acronym “VITAL.”

Nels Hoenig's picture Nels Hoenig
Score being shown at a baseball game More Than a Score: Taking a Deeper Dive into Your Metrics

One key benefit of metrics is that they can be measured using a standard process; we can explain the numbers, and leadership can understand what that means. The downside is that it is only a measurement, so issues can easily hide until they become problems, and great work can also go unrepresented. Sporting events are a great example: The end score tells you who won, but not the details of the game. We need to look deeper.

Nels Hoenig's picture Nels Hoenig
Dashboard on a computer showing test data results, photo by Carlos Muza Reporting Automated Test Results Effectively

The modern iterative software development lifecycle has developers checking in code to version control systems frequently, with continuous integration handling building and running automated tests at an almost equally fast rate. This can generate an enormous amount of test data. Here’s how you can ensure you are reporting results effectively across your team and realizing all the benefits of that information.

Ajeet Dhaliwal's picture Ajeet Dhaliwal

Better Software Magazine Articles

Building a Solid Foundation for Your DevOps Transformation

The ability to deliver quality software with speed requires a huge shift in the way technology is managed throughout any organization. Nicole Forsgren believes that establishing the right culture is vital, especially during DevOps adoption.

Nicole Forsgren's picture Nicole Forsgren
Process Frameworks, Not Fixed Processes

The software development field has been consumed with process management ranging from inflexible, predictive waterfall all the way to self-governing, adaptable agile approaches. You probably already utilize a specific process methodology on your projects, but have you considered adopting an evolutionary learning cycle process framework instead?

Ryan Olivett's picture Ryan Olivett Bob Payne
Not Just a Number: The Real Value of Metrics

Metrics can be enormously helpful, but only if they’re used correctly. Abuse them, and they will drive dysfunction. Study the stories behind the data to find the real value.

Joanne Perold's picture Joanne Perold
The Hawthorne Effect

Ever wondered what productivity experiments on factory workers in the early twentieth century have in common with today's adoption of agile practices? Lee sheds some light on the "process of process" and the importance of retrospectives as catalysts for change.

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland


Annette Ash Motivate and Inspire Software Quality Goals: An Interview with Annette Ash

In this interview, Annette Ash, a coach and trainer with SolutionsIQ, talks about the dirty term in the room: quality metrics. She reveals whether tracking metrics is beneficial, what it accomplishes, and what should be tracked with regards to software quality.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Jeffery Payne discusses the fundamentals of agile software development The Fundamentals of Agile: STARWEST 2015 Interview with Jeffery Payne

In this interview, TechWell speaks with Jeff Payne, the CEO and founder of Coveros. At STARWEST, he gave a two-day course titled "Fundamentals of Agile Certification."

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Andy Berner discusses agile project planning and backlog grooming The Importance of Grooming the Backlog: An Interview with Andy Berner

In this interview, Andy Berner of QSM talks about his upcoming presentation, the importance of keeping a well-groomed backlog, the pitfalls of the impossible zone, and why it's vital that you and your team keep your tools serving you and not the other way around. 

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture Cameron Philipp-Edmonds
Process improvement specialist Deborah Kennedy The Ethics of Metrics: An Interview with Deborah Kennedy

In this interview, Deborah Kennedy talks about her upcoming presentation at STARWEST 2014, the importance of using data wisely, why executive messaging is more important than people acknowledge it for, and the psychology behind the small things when it comes to metrics.

Conference Presentations

STARCANADA Shift Your Perspective on Data and Influence Stakeholders

With all the open source tools available in the market, it can be overwhelming to determine which might meet your needs and which will work best in your environment. Join Jennifer Bonine as she explains the relationship between data and your environment, and using data to help make...

Jennifer Bonine
Better Software Conference West 2015: Making Numbers Count: Metrics That Matter

As testers and test managers, we are frequently asked to report to stakeholders on the progress and results of our testing. Questions like How is testing going? may seem simple enough, but the answer is ultimately based on our ability to extract useful metrics from our work and present...

Mike Trites, PQA Testing
Sprinkle on Just Enough Process

How do you know if you have too much process, too little, or just the right amount? If you ignore process completely, unpredictability and chaos can follow. If you define the process to the nth degree and follow it religiously, the work grinds to a halt. Janet Gregory shares her...

Janet Gregory, DragonFire Inc.
Measure Customer and Business Feedback to Drive Improvement

Companies often go to great lengths to collect metrics. However, even the most rigorously collected data tends to be ignored, despite the findings and potential for improving practices. Today, one metric that cannot be ignored is customer satisfaction. Customers are more than willing to...

Paul Fratellone, uTest

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