Best Practices for Conducting Generative AI-Based Test Automation | Provided by Appvance

The Best Practices for developing and running an efficient and effective test automation program have been discussed by many in the industry. However, the Best Practices for automation may look different when you are bringing to bear the power of a generative AI platform for creating and executing your automated tests.

The purpose of this guide is to highlight the key areas where Best Practices need to be defined differently, as well as provide you with suggested Best Practices that support the transformative aspects of using a generative AI-based testing platform and framework.

In this guide, you will learn:

  • Why you need to follow unique Best Practices with a generative AI-based system
  • The Best Practices for a generative AI-based test automation program
  • The Best Practices for test design
  • The overall Best Practice for the provision of test data
  • The Best Practices for the use of multi-factor authentication (MFA)


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