
Toolkit full of tools What Testers Need in Their Accessibility Testing Toolkits

A software tester’s accessibility testing toolkit should contain various tools, both to help testers “walk in the shoes” of their users and to quickly flag obvious problems and expose accessibility features (or a lack of them). High performance is only achievable with human skill, but these tools will help you uncover potential issues and make your product a better user experience for a wider audience.

Albert Gareev's picture Albert Gareev
A line of identical rubber ducks The Unspoken Requirement: Testing for Consistency

It's easy to see that style consistency is important when discussing the user interface. But there are other areas where being consistent is just as important, even though they are not as visible. Consistency is one of the quality attributes of a product—any product—even if it is not stated clearly in the requirements documents, and testers have a responsibility to check for it.

Michael Stahl's picture Michael Stahl
Legos 100 Percent Unit Test Coverage Is Not Enough

Many people equate 100 percent unit test coverage with high code quality, but that is not enough. Code coverage tools only measure whether the tests execute the code; they make no judgment on the effectiveness of the tests. Testers should review unit tests, even if they have high coverage levels, and either help improve the tests or supplement them with extra tests where necessary.

John Ruberto's picture John Ruberto
Slot machine QA for Slot Machines: Testing Randomization, Winning Combinations, and Big Payouts

Considering their underlying technology, slot machines are intriguing test subjects. The software at the back end randomly generates the numbers and patterns of the winning combinations, and when you add currency processing into the mix, you have some interesting test cases. If you've ever wondered what goes into testing slot machines, read on.

Krishnan Govindarajan's picture Krishnan Govindarajan
Great job interview How to Ace Your Next QA Job Interview

The secret to acing your next job QA interview is mastering what to say when the interviewer asks you to tell them a little about yourself. Preparation is key, so here are three important points to hit, as well as some sample scripts to modify for your own history, so that you can go into your next QA job interview with complete confidence.

Tim Ebie's picture Tim Ebie
Development, operations, and QA DevOps: Collaboration with a Purpose

Development, operations, and QA have long recognized the importance of coexistence, but they've still had weak or unbalanced relationships. DevOps emphasizes collaboration, rejecting the "us versus them" mentality. Every department needs information, feedback, and support from every other department, helping everyone see how they enable each other.

Douglas Fink's picture Douglas Fink
Clipboard criteria checklist Exit Criteria, Software Quality, and Gut Feelings

Bug counts and trends don't cover all the quality aspects of a product. A good exit criteria list provides an orderly list of attributes that research and experience showed to have impact on product quality, so you can monitor the product quality at any given time and forecast the expected status at release. That's how you improve your product.

Michael Stahl's picture Michael Stahl
Job hunting Job Hunting for Software Testers: A Primer

As straightforward as most software testing and QA job postings seem, they may not actually tell you much about the job itself or the company that’s posting. How can you tell whether you’d be a good fit? If you are interested, how can you best approach the application process? László Szegedi's analysis will help you ask the right questions and prepare yourself to nail the interview.

László Szegedi's picture László Szegedi
availability percentage checklist Testing Strategies to Increase System Availability

The more critical a system is, the more highly available that system needs to be. However, it is very difficult—if not impossible—to measure every way a system can fail or to predict how long it will take to recover. But don’t worry! There are still many test strategies you can employ to understand your system’s failures, reduce downtime, and increase availability.

Andrei Sandu's picture Andrei Sandu Don Prather
functional testing Kanban chart Kanban for Software Testing Teams

Kanban, a highly effective agile framework, is based on the philosophy that everything can be improved. And it's not just for development teams. The QA team also can use kanban to organize tasks, identify bottlenecks, and make their processes clearer and more consistent.

Sofía Palamarchuk's picture Sofía Palamarchuk


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